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RosicRucian - AMORC

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due is to be honoured; man honoursGod through self-abnegation andself-transcendence achieved byabandoning all that serves merelyone’s personal inclinations andinterests. The due of angels andsaints is to be given joy; they rejoiceover the good works performed bya struggling humanity and over thegood will which results from thosegood works. The due of our fellowhuman beings is the help that theyneed and that we can provide.As to the passive aspect ofEckhart’s justice, this requires that weaccept everything from God equally(aequaliter omnia de Deo accipere). It may be thoughtthat the adverb equally in this precept has the sameimport that the adjective equal and the substantiveequality have in conventional conceptions of justice.This is however, not the case. “Equally,” in thecontext of Meister Eckhart’s doctrine of justice,primarily imports the mystic’s detachment frommaterial reality, an attitude that every mystic of hisday was expected to assume in his path to God. “Toaccept equally” in Eckhart’s sense therefore doesnot raise the problem of how to ascertain measure,or match the value of distributed goods, services orwhatever else is meted out. What is involved here isthe spirit of equanimity in which whatever is givenmust be accepted without question.In order to be able to accept everythingfrom God “equally,” it is necessary to have astate of mind which Eckhart describes as seclusion(Abgeschiedenheit) and abandonment (Gelassenheit).Literally, Gelassenheit means a condition in whichsomething has been left, this something being inthe present context the world as it is ordinarilyencountered and experienced by the person. Hencewe have Eckhart’s rather untranslatable but tellingplay of words: “wer gelassen hat, ist gelassen” (“hewho has left [the world] is left [in tranquillity]”).“Leaving the world” does not mean ceasing tocare about one’s everyday life. Rather, it meanstranscending the world in our emotive encounterwith it…, namely, accepting the real world aswhatever it happens to be in a composed frameMedieval representation ofJohannes Eckhart.The passive aspect of Eckhart’s justicerequires that we accept everything fromGod equally.of mind, with imperturbability andequanimity. His thoughts in thisregard are hauntingly close to thoseof the greatest minds of Far Eastduring the same and previous eras.In Consonance with GodIn this context, it becomes possibleto meet a further requirement ofMeister Eckhart’s conception ofjustice, according to which theperson must step completely outsidehis or her will. This was a widelyassumed necessity for the attainmentof holiness and in modern mysticalthought, it is close to the mysticalneed of subsuming the will of the “outer self” to thewill of the “inner self.”“Stepping outside” means merely theabandonment of one’s personal, consciouslyobjective will in favour of the “will of God.”Striving for ecstatic at-one-ness with God throughimmersion into the “seclusion” of the personal soul,the mystic encounters the divine “spark” or “seed”and harmonises his or her outer will with the willof God. Hence the prayer adopted by Eckhart fromthe stoic philosopher Epictetus: “Give me the willto will according to Thy will…,” a clear call for thesubsuming of the human will to that of the divine.This adequation can transpire in the mystic’s VacareDeo in which he clears his mind from all its contentsso there is a mental void which can then be filledwith a divine afflatus which produces a conditionin which the individual can feel, think and will inconsonance with God.According to Meister Eckhart, humanbeings are characterised by disquietudeand inconstancy. In contrast, God’s nature ispeace and permanence. The human searchfor God is therefore a search for tranquillity,an aspiration to overcome what is transitory andto achieve what is durable. And the process ofVacare Deo is an essential phase in this aspiration.Aequaliter omnia accipere belongs to it as a preceptwhose observance promotes “the birth of God” inthe human soul, which in turn is a preconditionfor the implementation and observation of thesuum cuique dare precept. So, the passive and activeaspects of Eckhart’s justice prove to be joined ina relationship of dependence: Only if we are ableto accept everything in equanimity, are we able toknow what is our due. And only then can we will38The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2009

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