Energy from the Earth - new media

Energy from the Earth - new media

Energy from the Earth - new media

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EconomyInfrastructure Gets Top Priority inCanadian BudgetThe primary objective of Canada's 2011 FederalBudget was to reduce deficit by increasing spending inseveral areas. One of <strong>the</strong> areas identified isinfrastructure. As part of economic development ingeneral, Canada recognizes <strong>the</strong> importance ininvestment in public infrastructureIn 2007, <strong>the</strong> government launched <strong>the</strong> BuildingCanada plan, supported by $33 billion in federalfunding over seven years. The Building Canada planconsists of a suite of programs to meet infrastructureneeds across <strong>the</strong> country, including:• Gas Tax Fund and full rebate of <strong>the</strong> Goods andServices Tax paid by municipalities, which providepredictable long-term funding for municipalities.• Provincial/Territorial Base Funding Initiative, whichprovides $25 million per year for each provinceand territory.• Building Canada Fund, which supportsinfrastructure projects across Canada• Gateways and Border Crossings Fund and <strong>the</strong>Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative tostreng<strong>the</strong>n trade-related infrastructure.• Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Fund, <strong>the</strong> firstCanadian infrastructure fund dedicated to P3sIn response to <strong>the</strong> global recession, <strong>the</strong> Governmentintroduced stimulus initiatives under <strong>the</strong> EconomicAction Plan to increase infrastructure spending during<strong>the</strong> 2009 and 2010 construction seasons. Theseprojects are expected to be completed by <strong>the</strong> end ofOctober 2011. It claims to have spent $7.7 billion onalmost 8000 projects across <strong>the</strong> country.The 2011 Budget makes important investments inpublic infrastructure and supports <strong>the</strong> use of publicprivatepartnerships in delivering infrastructureprograms and projects.$2 billion annual investment inmunicipal infrastructureTo provide greater certainty to provinces, territories andmunicipalities, <strong>the</strong> 2011 Budget proposes to legislate apermanent annual investment of $2 billion in municipalinfrastructure through <strong>the</strong> Gas Tax Fund.Public-private partnershipsThe government believes that Public-privatepartnerships (P3s) have demonstrated <strong>the</strong>ir ability toproduce value for taxpayers in <strong>the</strong> delivery of publicinfrastructure and plans for Canada to be a leader inP3s. In 2008, <strong>the</strong> government established PPP CanadaInc. to increase <strong>the</strong> effective use of P3s in Canada.From now on, all federal infrastructure projects creatingan asset with a lifespan of at least 20 years and havingcapital costs of $100 million or more will be subjectedto a P3 screen to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r a P3 is a suitableprocurement option. Federal departments will also beencouraged to consider a P3 approach for o<strong>the</strong>r typesof project and service procurements.Increased federal funding forinfrastructureAs a result of <strong>the</strong>se investments, <strong>the</strong> government claimsthat <strong>the</strong> amount of federal funding available toprovinces, territories and municipalities forinfrastructure projects will be close to $11 billion in09Indo-Canadian Business October - December 2011

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