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Welcomejust 4TextilesCONTENTS●FOREWORD■ by Geoff HancockFOREWORDWelcome to this first edition ofJust 4 Textiles, a national4Creative Textiles– Laminate and Stitch■ by Barbara Lawlermagazine dedicated solely tosupporting textiles teachers withSmart Materials– Nanotechnology6real pupils in real classrooms.I am delighted to be able to offer this exciting newmagazine to you; produced by Barbara Lawler, atextiles teacher and known to many of you through9New from <strong>SfE</strong>– Course PreviewProduct DevelopmentWelcome to this first issue of Just4 Textiles. I was really excitedwhen <strong>SfE</strong> asked to write thismagazine and I hope that you will beextend your imaginationand to capitalise on whatyou know already.Hopefully all this can beinexpensive, you probablyalready have thenecessary equipment andit is virtually foolproof.her ICT and industrial production national trainingcourses. A key figure, Barbara works very closelywith <strong>SfE</strong>, DATA and publishers such as Heinemannto provide stimulating resources for textiles teachers.New Developments– Wearable Computing10just as excited to read it.The changes in TextilesTechnology come so thickI enjoy presenting <strong>SfE</strong>courses and meeting aachieved with the minimumamount of effort, as I knowonly too well how stressfulteaching can be and theThis notion of a built-insuccess factor is veryimportant in my teachingThe challenges facing textiles teachers are many andvaried. Through these practical and informative12Using ICT – WhatSoftware? Coming inFuture Issuesand fast that I find it isdifficult to keep up withthem, let alone pass thatvariety of teachers fromdifferent parts of thecountry. In discussionslast thing anyone wants isanother initiative!and I always try toprepare resources whichwill have this as an endmagazines we aim to provide you with resources andsupport that you can use directly with your pupils.This first magazine starts to deal with a number ofthe new developments in the subject. As each issuedevelops we will provide exemplar materials,teaching ideas and support for Key Stage three, fourand five lessons. Each issue builds into a completeresource, keeping you up to date and at the forefrontof change in the subject.Barbara and myself are very keen to offer practicalsupport and guidance to magazine subscribers, andto receive comments and requirements for futureissues. As you will no doubt understand, producinga new magazine takes an enormous amount ofeffort. We hope that it will be successful in providingthe support you all need.Please contact Barbara directly by e-mail atKS 4 CourseworkResourses – TechnicalSpecification Sheet14Worksheets for TTProduct Design –Trainers18Printing Technology– Direct DigitalPrinting13Using ICT – WhatSoftware? CapturingClipart with PSP 4/717Industrial Applications– Moving Away fromMass Production22information onto pupils:this magazine is focusedon keeping you abreast ofnew developments, andoffering pupil-friendly waysof presenting them, bycreating classroomresources and using theinternet for research.over coffee, I found thatmany teachers were facingthe same problems andalthough I don’t claim tohave all the answers, I canoffer new ways to refocuson the materials. My mainaims for the series thenare to widen your horizons,THIS MAGAZINE ISFOCUSED ON KEEPING YOUABREAST OF NEWDEVELOPMENTS, ANDOFFERING PUPIL-FRIENDLYWAYS OF PRESENTING THEM,BY CREATING CLASSROOMI will always aim to provideactivities which arefinancially viable, andcurriculum-focussed, andthe article on page 4 is anexample. It may seemstrange in the world ofTextiles Technology towrite about decorating thesurface of a fabric. I didwonder myself, originally,at its relevance in today’scurriculum, but thenremembered that one ofmy aims as a teacher wasto provide my pupils withthe means to create aquality-finished product.One way to do this is toresult. <strong>Example</strong>s ofthese resources willfeature in future issues ofthis magazine.I would like to develop thismagazine to suit yourneeds and attempt to dealwith some of the problemsthat face us all in theclassroom. Anysuggestions or requestsfor topics that you wouldlike to cover will be verywelcome. Please write tome, care of <strong>SfE</strong>, or emailme directly atb.lawler@ndirect.co.uk.b.lawler@ndirect.co.uk or myself at Just4Textiles,<strong>SfE</strong> limited, 1 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8RR.26Raising Standards– Presenting Workat AS LevelRESOURCES AND USING THEINTERNET FOR RESEARCH.make sure the processeshave a built-in successfactor. The materials usedfor laminating are2just 4Textiles ■ ISSUE 1 SUMMER 20033

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