New Sources on Arikara Scouts

New Sources on Arikara Scouts

New Sources on Arikara Scouts

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Custer <strong>on</strong> a scouting expediti<strong>on</strong>, and I was down there about three m<strong>on</strong>ths. We came back andI carried the mail, and did whatever work was assigned me. After two years I was detailed to goback to the Black Hills, the Custer Massacre occurred at that time and Custer was killed. Whenwe came back from Custer’s last fight I was sent down al<strong>on</strong>g the river to bring back somehorses, from the enemies. I gathered them up and turned them over to the white soldiers.After turning over the horses to the soldiers we were taken across the river to fargo in wag<strong>on</strong>s,and from there back to where we were stati<strong>on</strong>ed.At that time the rest of the <strong>Scouts</strong> were discharged, but I was still retained. I staid [sic]at camp <strong>on</strong>e year after all the others were discharged. Then I was taken up the river in a boatup Elk river, and was sent scouting al<strong>on</strong>g the railroad track. We came down quite a way andmet those who were laying the track working up from the other way. I came back with them towhere the town of Dickins<strong>on</strong>, North Dakota is located. I came back to our camp where we werestati<strong>on</strong>ed, I do not know just how l<strong>on</strong>g we were there but three wars occurred before weseparated, the whites going east and I was discharged. General custer used to tell us that if wecould win the battle, Custer’s last stand, he (General Custer) would see that we would getsomething out of it.I, Little Sioux, do hereby solemnly swear that the above questi<strong>on</strong>s and answers havebeen interpreted to me, that the informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tained therein is the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD.HisWitnesses: Edythe Bl<strong>on</strong>de Little SiouxRuth M. [Repeth]markSubscribed and sworn to before me this 13 th day of February, 1924.Stella EagleO Charles Ross do hereby certify that I acted as interpreter for Little Sioux, that to the best ofmy knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and correct interpretati<strong>on</strong>.Charles Ross28

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