New Sources on Arikara Scouts

New Sources on Arikara Scouts

New Sources on Arikara Scouts

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party was expected to find a l<strong>on</strong>e scout who had been sent out and was expected back beforethat hour. They were to take food and to find him. But they missed, as he returned <strong>on</strong> theopposite side of the river. When he came in the command started after the scouting party.The l<strong>on</strong>e scout was Bob-tail Bull, who was killed in the battle next day. I was with Custer’scommand in the night march. We camped early in the morning. And as Bull-in-the-Water and Iwere getting breakfast together, he looked up and saw two men hurrying toward camp al<strong>on</strong>gsome low bushes. There were this same Red Star and Bull. Red Star had a message for gen.Custer, who was lying down asleep, but as so<strong>on</strong> as the messenger was announced he jumpedup and received the message, then called Gerard, whom I knew, a man of my own people, asinterpreter, and questi<strong>on</strong>ed red Star very closely and told him to be very careful in telling whathe knew and what he saw. I know to a certainty that this was the same Red Star who is herebefore you to-day. I am now a pensi<strong>on</strong>er under the name red bear, so known to the Pensi<strong>on</strong>Office, but my enlisted name was Pretty Elk.I am not related to this claimant and have no financial interest in his pensi<strong>on</strong> claim.I have heard the foregoing read by you and interpreted by Peter Beauchamp, and it iscorrect.Attest: Strieby HornHisP. H. Beauchamp Red BearDep<strong>on</strong>ent.THUMB-MARKI hereby certify that the c<strong>on</strong>tents of the foregoing is a true interpretati<strong>on</strong> of the language of thiswitness by me under oath to interpret correctly his language.Peter BeauchampSworn to and subscribed before me this 17 day of July, 1923, and I certify that the c<strong>on</strong>tentswere fully made known to dep<strong>on</strong>ent before signing.E. W. Young,Special Examiner.42

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