Jay Challa - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

Jay Challa - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

Jay Challa - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

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1 MINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • January / February 2009MEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocate❒ Please Bill Me❒ Credit Card Paymentsiness MagazineEntrepreneursMEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocatetion Street to MEA __________________________________________________________Magazine<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocat eCity ___________________________________________________________A publication of the <strong>Minority</strong> Business & Professionals Network, Inc..95 State ______________________ Zip ____________ Country _____________9.90 E-mail address ___________________________________________________4.85 Credit Card ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa ❒ American ExpresstPage 13Please allow 4-6 we s for e delive k ry f o your fi rs issue. tYes, Send me a subscription to MEA Magazine_____________________________________ MINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • MAY/JUNE 2004 13__________________________________________________________________________<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocat e_____________________________________Zip ____________ A publication Country of the _____________ <strong>Minority</strong> Business & Professionals Network, Inc.o 1 year (6 issues) $24.95o 2 years (12 issues) $49.90❒ American Expresso 3 years (18 issues) $74.85_____________________________________❒ Visa__________________________________________________________________________MEA Magazine, 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22306age. All other fo eign r subscri tions p add $32 US per year for po a s t g e .we s for e delive k ry f your o fi rs issue. tity Business & Professionals Network, Inc.o Please Bill Meo Credit Card PaymentINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • MAY/JUNE 2004 13rm to: MEA (703) Name______________________________________________________________768-7034d Highway, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22306MEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocate❒ Please Bill Me❒ Credit Card PaymentA National Business Magazinefor <strong>Minority</strong> EntrepreneursYes. Send me a subscription Street to MEA __________________________________________________________MagazineCanadian o rd e s add r $16 US per issue for postage. All other fo reign subscri tions p add $32 US per year for po s a t g e .Please allow 4-6 we s e for delive k ry f o your fi rs issue. tName __________________________________________________________Company _______________________________________________________Number ________________________________________________________MEA Magazine, 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22306Expiration Date __________________________________________________Canadian o rd e s add r $16 US per issue for postage. All other fo eign r subscri tions p add $32 US per year for po s a t g e .MEA❒ 1 year (6 issues) $24.95❒ 2 years (12 issues) $49.90❒ 3 years (18 issues) $74.85Fax Subscription Form to: MEA (703) 768-7034Company__________________________________________________________Street______________________________________________________________AY/JUNE 2004 13Name __________________________________________________________Company _______________________________________________________City ___________________________________________________________❒ 1 year (6 issues) $24.95 State ______________________ Zip ____________ Country _____________❒ 2 years (12 issues) $49.90E-mail address ___________________________________________________❒ 3 years (18 issues) $74.85Credit Card ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa ❒ American ExpressA National Number ________________________________________________________Business Magazine for <strong>Minority</strong> EntrepreneursExpiration Date __________________________________________________MEAFax Subscription Form to: MEA (703) 768-7034Small Business and the Government Bailout:What is Needed?January/February 2009MEA USA $3.95 CAN $5.25<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> AdvocateStill Moving Mountainsand Re-routing Rivers- <strong>Jay</strong> <strong>Challa</strong>, President, ACE Info SolutionsCity_______________________________________________________________State_______________Zip__________________Country___________________E-mail address_______________________________________________________Credit Card o MasterCard o Visa o Discover o American ExpressCard Number_ ______________________________________________________Expiration Date______________________________________________________The U.S. Department of Commerce<strong>Minority</strong> Business DevelopmentAgency gave the firm its NationalDirector’s Award for Excellencein Innovation and EntrepreneurialLeadership. Further, 3 staff membersreceived outstanding performanceawards and the department gave specialrecognition for providing IT-securityrelated services. The U.S. Departmentof Agriculture named AceInfo asits Small Disadvantaged BusinessContractor of the Year and also namedthe <strong>Challa</strong>’s Project Manager for specialrecognition for excellent customerrelationships. The U.S. Departmentof Interior recognized <strong>Challa</strong>’s staff forcontributions that increased web siteusage by over 50%.The <strong>Minority</strong> Business and ProfessionalsNetwork recognized <strong>Challa</strong> on its list ofFifty Influential Minorities in Business.DiversityBusiness.com named AceInfoas both one of the top 8(a) companiesin the country, and one of the top 100small businesses and one of the top100 diversity businesses in Virginia.<strong>Challa</strong>’s commitment to his countrydoesn’t stop at the local level. He hasmade his company active regionallyand nationally in both public serviceand technical forums. He participatesactively in such industry organizationsas the Industry Advisory <strong>Council</strong>,the Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association, and theGovernment Information Technology<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (GITEC). Ofparticular note; last year he combinedhis commitment to community and hislove of sport by sponsoring part of theGEITEC Golf Tournament in Orlando.<strong>Jay</strong> <strong>Challa</strong> started out moving mountainsand changing the course of rivers. He’sstill doing it, but today he uses bettertechnology!Canadian orders add $16 US per issue for postage. All other foreign subscriptions add$32 US per year for postage. Please all 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue.MEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> AdvocateA publication of the <strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Fax Subscription Form to MEA (703) 730-4092MEA Magazine, P.O. Box 5199, Woodbridge, VA 22194

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