Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

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<strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Dwellers</strong>P. O. Bo x 330159Sa n Fr a n c i s c o, CA 94133PRSRT STDU.S. Po s ta g ePAIDSa n Fr a n c i s c o, CAPe r m it No. 1<strong>188</strong>2<strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Dwellers</strong>Schedules of Committee MeetingsPl a n n i n g & Zo n i n g: First Thursdays. Call for time and location. 986-7070, 563-3494, 391-5652.Look to the THD website for information on THD events. Log on to http://www.thd.orgFor a Voice in Your Neighborhood Join <strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Dwellers</strong>.THD Welcomes New Members June-August <strong>2009</strong>: Lynne Joiner, AngelaManginelli, and Marilee Gaffney, Trudi & Kevin Loscotoff, and Miriam & RoderickOwen, William Sauro, Janme Shiota, and Leslie Cancel & Ned Boynton.NEW MEMBER INFORMATIONSign Up or Sign a Friend Up as a member of <strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Dwellers</strong>. Complete and mail to THD, PO Box 330159, SF, CA 94133NAME: ____________________________________ADDRESS: _________________________________CITY: _____________________________________________STATE: _______ ZIP: ___________________PHONE ___________________________________EMAIL: ______________________________________CHECK ENCLOSED FOR 1-YEAR MEMBERSHIPIndividual $30___ Household $45__ Senior (age 65 and over) $20__ Senior Household $35___

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