Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Issue 188, Summer 2009 - Telegraph Hill Dwellers

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FROM THE DESK OFSupervisor CHIUAs barbecue grills grow cool and schools startagain, I hope that everyone has had a wonderfulsummer. The summer months havebeen a very busy time at City Hall and throughoutDistrict 3. Here are a few highlights:Budget:After one of the most grueling political battlesof recent memory, the Board of Supervisors finallypassed our city’s budget on July 28 th , closing the largestDavid Chiu, a working Supervisor!budget deficit of $438 millionin San Francisco’s recent history.While the Mayor’s initial budget proposal calledfor deep cuts to crucial city services while simultaneouslyincreasing other areas of government, the finalbudget negotiated between the Mayor and the Boardof Supervisors shared the sacrifice of balancing thebudget across all city departments, without having tolay off any police officers, firefighters, nurses, or teachers.The Board negotiated the largest add-back in thecity’s history (the difference between theMayor’s proposed budget and the finalagreed-upon budget) to ensure fundingfor critical public health and social servicesto protect our city’s most vulnerablepopulations during our economic recession.I am proud that unlike Sacramento,we were able to work through our differencesand agree upon a budget thatreflects our shared San Francisco values.North Beach Library:As many of you know, thecurrent North Beach Libraryis headed for a major overhaul.When Mayor Christopher built the currentlibrary as part of a quest to buildlibraries on city park land, the final outcomewas a library that inadequatelyserves library users, and a park that inadequatelyserves park users. As part ofa plan underway to rebuild the libraryand expand the park, an EnvironmentalImpact Review is being conducted todetermine the feasibility of—and alterna-continued on next page8 <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>188</strong> • <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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