July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal

July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal

July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal


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• 1977, Professor of Physics, Tel-Aviv University.• 1973-1977, Associate Professor, Tel-Aviv University.• 1969-1973, Senior Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University.• 1967-1969, Research Associate, Department of Applied Physics, Cornell University.• 1962-1967, Research Scientist, Israel AEC, Soreq Nuclear Research Center.• 1961-1962, Army Service.Awards, Prizes, Honors• Member,the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, <strong>2002</strong>.• Israel Prize, Jerusalem, Israel, 2001.• Chaire Internationale de Recherche ”<strong>Blaise</strong> <strong>Pascal</strong>”, held at the Ecole Normale Superieure,Paris, in 1999-2001.• Rotschild Prize, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996.• Lorentz Chair, University of Leiden, held during fall of 1996.• Active member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1994-.• Humboldt Research award, 1993.• IBM Research Division Award for Research on Aharonov-Bohm Oscillation in Normal-MetalRings, 1987.• Weizmann Prize, Tel-Aviv, for Research on the Theory of New Phenomena in MesoscopicSystems, 1987.• M. Landau Prize for Research on Transport in Disordered Metals, 1983.• Bat-Sheva de Rothschild award for Research, 1971.Editorial Responsibilities• Editorial Board, comments on Condensed Matter Physics, 1985-1992.• Divisional Associate Editor for Condensed matter Physics, Physical Review Letters, January1996-January 1999.• Editorial Council, Annals of Physics (NY),1996-<strong>2002</strong>.International Research Coordination, etc.• Co-organizer (with J. Wilkins) program on Mesoscopic Physics, Institute for TheoreticalPhysics, Santa Barbara (April 1–<strong>July</strong> 31, 1991).2

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