July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal

July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal

July 2002 Yoseph Imry - Chaires Blaise Pascal


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29. Y. <strong>Imry</strong>Physics of mesoscopic systems. In: Directions in Condensed Matter, Memorial volume in honor ofProfessor Shang-keng Ma. Eds. Grinstein G. and Mazenko, G. Singapore, World Scientific: 1986.30. O. Entin-Wohlman, Y. <strong>Imry</strong> and U. Sivan.Orbital magnetoconductance in the variable-range-hopping regime. Phys. Rev. B40, 8342 (1989).31. O. Entin-Wohlman and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Enhanced pairing interactions in a two-band model. Phys. Rev. B40, 6731 (1989).32. N.D. Lang, A. Yacoby and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Theory of a single-atom point source for electrons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1499 (1989).33. A. Yacoby and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Adiabatic mode-selection and the accuracy of the quantization of the conductance of ballistic pointcontacts,Europhys. Lett. 11, 663 (1990).34. A. Stern, Y. Aharonov and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Phase uncertainty and loss of interference – a general picture, Phys. Rev. A41, 3436 (1990).35. A.Stern, Y. Aharonov and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>,Linear Response and Dephasing by Coulomb Electron-Electron Interactions, Invited Talk at the April,1990 Nato ASI on Coherent Effects in Mesoscopic Systems, Les Arcs, France. Nato ASI series, Vol. 254,B. Kramer, ed. (1991), p.99.36. N. Argaman, Y. <strong>Imry</strong> and U. Smilansky.Semiclassical analysis of spectral correlations in mesoscopic phyics, Phys. Rev. B47,4440, (1993).37. N. Argaman and Y. <strong>Imry</strong>,Persistent Currents in Normal-Metal Mesoscopic Rings, the Effect of Charge Neutrality, Physica ScriptaT49, 333(1993). Proceedings of the March 1993 EPS Regensburg Conference (invited lecture), PhysicaScripta T49, 333 (1993).38. U. Sivan, Y. <strong>Imry</strong> and A. G. Aronov.Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Quantum Dot, Europhys. Lett., 28, 115 (1994).39. Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Anderson Insulators (invited lecture-course), in the Proceedings of the <strong>July</strong> 1994 Les Houches SummerSchool on Theoretical Physics, Mesoscopic Quantum Physics, G. Montambaux, E. Akkermans, and J.-L.Pichard eds, Elsevier, 1995, p. 181.40. Y. <strong>Imry</strong>.Coherent Propagation of Two Interacting Particles in a Random Potential, Europhysics Lett. 30, 405(1995).41. O. Entin-Wohlman, Y. <strong>Imry</strong>, A. G. Aronov and Y. LevinsonOrbital Magnetization in the Hopping Regime, Phys. Rev. B51, 11584 (1995).42. Y. <strong>Imry</strong>Mesoscopic Physics and the Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, in the proceedings of the 1997 NobelSymposium on Modern Studies of Basic Quantum Concepts and Phenomena, E. B Karlsson and E.Brändes, eds., Physica Scripta, T76, 171 (1998).3

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