Midterm Questions - Richard J. Povinelli

Midterm Questions - Richard J. Povinelli

Midterm Questions - Richard J. Povinelli

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86. Sign/magnitude, 1's complement, 2's complement for the number -5.87. Which of the following is an advantage of 2's complement?Addition and subtraction are very easy.The number can be read directly from the bits that are 1.Converting negative numbers to decimal is very easy.None of the above88. Unsigned numbers are convenient for some specific cases (such as counters) because.......89. What is an advantage of hexadecimal numbers with respect to binary?90. What are the parts of the instruction cycle?91. Computer A: Cycle Time = 250ps, CPI = 2.0, Computer B: Cycle Time = 500ps, CPI = 1.2.Which computer can execute each instruction faster?92. Label the following picture with the major components of a motherboard and relatedhardware.93. Define the following terms: desktop computer, embedded computer, supercomputer.94. State the differences between embedded and supercomputers by examining only the powerequation: (Power) = (Capacitive load [aka: fanout])*(Voltage)2 *(Frequency [aka: clockrate])

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