catalog 05-06.indd - Undergraduate Admissions - Gallaudet University

catalog 05-06.indd - Undergraduate Admissions - Gallaudet University

catalog 05-06.indd - Undergraduate Admissions - Gallaudet University


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Enrollment Informationensures effective liaison with other departments and divisionsof the <strong>University</strong> and with Information Technology Services,interprets and applies academic rules and regulations, maintainsa master course file, prepares the official <strong>University</strong>calendar, and prepares reports on degrees and matriculation.Admission RequirementsAll application materials (letters of recommendation,transcript, audiogram, test results) should be submitted tothe Office of <strong>Admissions</strong> as soon as they become available.The <strong>University</strong> is on a rolling admissions schedule and willnotify the student about the admission decision within twoweeks after all application materials have been received. Thecompleted application without notification of deferral willbe held in file for two years for U.S. citizens and five yearsfor international students before being destroyed. In orderto guarantee housing and ensure timely processing of thefinancial aid application, the completed application should bereceived prior to June 1 for fall semester and December 1 forspring semester. After these dates, all housing and financialaid are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to admittedstudents.Requirements for admission include submission of the followingdocumentation:* An application form, completed and signed by theapplicant. Completion of answers to essay questionsis a required part of the application form. Anapplication fee of $50 (U.S.) payable to <strong>Gallaudet</strong><strong>University</strong> should accompany the application.* A recent audiogram (within the past two years)indicating a hearing loss. Applicants should provideevidence of the need for <strong>Gallaudet</strong>’s supportservices (e.g., speech discrimination scores orfamily history showing that deafness is of aprogressive nature).* Standardized Mathematics, English, and ReadingSub test scores from the ACT, or Mathematics andWriting scores from the SAT,* Tests should betaken within three years prior to application.*The institutional code number is 0662 for the ACT and 5240 for theSAT. Nontraditional students (students who are 25 years old orolder) should contact the Office of <strong>Admissions</strong> to see how theseadmissions criteria apply to them.* At least two letters of recommendation fromteachers, principals, coaches, employers,community organizations, or VocationalRehabilitation (VR) counselors.* Official transcripts from high school and/orcolleges, including grade point average and classrank.The Office of <strong>Admissions</strong> reserves the right to request additionaldocumentation (e.g., standardized test scores, recommendationletters) from any applicant.<strong>Gallaudet</strong> <strong>University</strong> adheres to the Statement of Principlesof Good Practice endorsed by the National Associationfor College Admission Counseling.Medical History and ImmunizationIn addition to the above admissions requirements, all matriculated<strong>Gallaudet</strong> <strong>University</strong> students, both degree-seekingand graduate special, must submit a medical history form toStudent Health Services (SHS) before enrolling. This formmust document a physical examination within the last twelvemonths prior to enrollment.District of Columbia law also requires students under theage of 26 at the time of matriculation to provide proof of thefollowing immunizations:* Tetanus/Diphtheria booster within the past 10 years;* Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) twice at age 12months or older or evidence of immunity by titre;6* Tuberculin (Mantoux) PPD 5 TU within twelve monthsprior to enrollment;* Salk Polio vaccine within the past five years or evidenceof oral polio vaccine (TOPV) series.Students over the age of 26 at the time of matriculationneed only the physical examination and the Tuberculin (Mantoux)PPD 5 TU within twelve months prior to enrollment.It is strongly recommended that all entering students alsoreceive the Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Varicella (ChickenPox) immunizations before starting at <strong>Gallaudet</strong>. For moreinformation, call the Peter J. Fine Student Health Center at(202) 651-5090.Honors ProgramAll students with ACT English and Reading scores of19 and above (freshman status) may apply for admission to<strong>University</strong> Honors. New students are admitted provisionallyto either the General Studies Honors or <strong>University</strong> CapstoneHonors based on the following criteria:* Review of high school or previous postsecondaryschool transcripts.* Participation in summer discussion online.* ACT Mathematics Subtest scores or SAT Math scorereviewed on an individual basis.* Interview with the Director of the Honors Programand Honors faculty via video teleconferencing, videorelay, or in person.After completing the Honors summer reading, obtaininga score of 5 or 6 (using the <strong>Gallaudet</strong> 6 point writing scale)on the essay based on the readings, and performing well academicallythe first semester (as determined by first semesterHonors faculty and the Honors Director), new students maymove from provisional to full status as Honors students.Advanced Placement TestsHigh school students who submit Advanced Placement(AP) Test scores of 3 or better will earn university credit.Honors credit will be given for scores of 4 or 5.* Informationon procedures for applying for AP transfer credit can beobtained from the Registrar’s Office transfer credit specialist.*The institutional code number for AP tests is 5240.PSATStudents are encouraged to request that their PSAT scoresbe sent to the Office of <strong>Admissions</strong>, although this is not arequirement for admission.Conditions in English/MathematicsAn applicant may be admitted with conditions in Englishand/or mathematics if the applicant shows evidence of academicpotential and high motivation, e.g., good overall gradepoint average (GPA) in academic courses in high school,acceptable scores on appropriate admissions exams, andletters of recommendation from school personnel, vocationalrehabilitation counselors, or other professionals.A student is required to satisfy conditions within foursemesters and must register for appropriate English and/ormathematics courses each semester until the conditions aresatisfied. During the first year of study at <strong>Gallaudet</strong>, thestudent must demonstrate satisfactory academic progresstoward removing conditions. After two semesters, the ConditionReview Committee will evaluate the student’s progressand make recommendations about continued enrollment on asemester-by-semester basis until all conditions are satisfied.

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