Pressure Ulcer Prevention Improvement - Juran Institute

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Improvement - Juran Institute

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Improvement - Juran Institute


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A Quality Case Study• X6: The development of a hospital-acquired pressure ulcer in a patient is dependent onhaving had surgery within the past 72 hours.• X7: The development of a hospital-acquired pressure ulcer in a patient is dependent ondocumentation of nursing skin care plan based on NICP goal.• X8: There are not enough additional pillows (at least five total per patient) available inat-risk patient rooms for proper positioning.• X9: <strong>Pressure</strong> redistribution devices are not being used with at-risk patients.• X10: If a waffle mattress is in use, it is not inflated when the at-risk patient is in bed.• X11: Skin care products are not available on the at-risk patient's unit.Data were collected for each of the 11 possible Xs and analyzed to determine if statisticalevidence supported the claim of cause and effect. Six of the 11 possible root causes weredropped out of the list due to a lack of evidence of statistically significant relationships withpressure ulcer incidence. The remaining five were consolidated into three, final root causes ofhigh incident rates of pressure ulcers acquired in the hospital and taken into the Improve phase.Improve:Strategies to address and ameliorate the vital few, proven root causes were created by the team towhich further detailed solutions/action items then were created (Table 1).Table 1 - Sample list of proposed strategies to address specific Vital Few Xs (proven root causesof patient falls).Proven Xs (Causes)X 1: Braden score is not completedwithin eight hours of admission totrigger preventions for at risk patients.X 3: Nurses do not have easy accessto appropriate knowledge andintervention information regardingpressure ulcers.X 8,9,10: <strong>Prevention</strong>s for at-riskpatients are not used or not usedcorrectly (pillows, pressureredistribution devices, etc.).StrategiesAutomate and embed Bradenscoring in documentation software.Align and fine tune the triggers for atriskpatients.Pair electronic “skin pathways” withdocumentation for real-timeinformation on interventions. Visualaids for Braden scoring andinterventions with at-risk patients.Standardized pressure ulcer “Bucket& Bundle” for all at-risk patients.Standardize mattresses to mistakeproofpressure redistributionsurfaces. Visual cues and turningschedule.All Rights Reserved, <strong>Juran</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, Inc. 3

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