second annual runway run for charity canada's first scheduled service

second annual runway run for charity canada's first scheduled service

second annual runway run for charity canada's first scheduled service


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RUNNING FOR A CAUSEPhoto courtesy of Ryder PhotographyWhat better way to spend a beautiful Saturdaymorning than raising money <strong>for</strong> a great charitablecause? That’s just what thousands of people did atthe GTAA’s 2009 Runway Run at Toronto Pearson on June 13.More than 2,000 smiling and excited faces entered Runway24L/06R just after 9 a.m. on the Saturday morning, eager to getthe race started. There was a great mix of competitive <strong>run</strong>nersand those just out to enjoy the event. Everyone was looking<strong>for</strong>ward to actually setting foot on one of Toronto Pearson’sbusiest <strong><strong>run</strong>way</strong>s.Just be<strong>for</strong>e the gun sounded to begin the race, participantswere surprised by a CF-18 fl y-by over the <strong><strong>run</strong>way</strong>. This goteveryone’s adrenaline fl owing, and the <strong>run</strong>ners were set to go.Those involved in the 5 km event were the <strong>first</strong> out of theblocks. A few minutes later they were followed by the morerelaxed participants in the 2 km family walk. Awe filled faceswere everywhere as <strong>run</strong>ners and walkers whizzed past the AirCanada A319 and FED EX 727 aircraft parked on the <strong><strong>run</strong>way</strong>and enjoyed a perfect vantage point <strong>for</strong> watching take-offs andlandings on the adjacent <strong><strong>run</strong>way</strong>.With an impressive time of 17:49, Brampton’s Alex Colbournewas the <strong>first</strong> <strong>run</strong>ner to cross the finish line.“I am extremely pleased to say that we reached our goal ofraising $100,000 <strong>for</strong> the Credit Valley Hospital Foundation at therace,” said Toby Lennox, Vice President of Corporate Affairs andCommunications <strong>for</strong> the GTAA. “Everyone involved is very proudto have been part of such a successful event and the planninghas already begun <strong>for</strong> next year’s <strong>run</strong>!”With the last person across the finish line and all donationscounted, the GTAA was thrilled to sign over a cheque to theCredit Valley Hospital <strong>for</strong> more than $130,000.An event of this magnitude does not happen withoutvolunteers. The GTAA would like to thank nearly 100 airportemployees, air cadets, Georgian College students and membersof the local community who volunteered. Thanks to theirenthusiasm and dedication, Runway Run 2009 was a greatsuccess.Next year’s Runway Run is already in the works. Mark yourcalendars <strong>for</strong> May 29, 2010.INCENTIVES TO FLYIn February of this year, the GTAA announced its four-pointaction plan developed as a response to the economicdownturn currently facing our industry. Forecasts told usthat our passenger levels were projected to be signifi cantly lowerthis year than they were in 2008, and as a direct result, overallrevenues would also be lower. Our fi rst quarter results showedjust that: passenger traffi c is down by 6.1 per cent compared tothe same period in 2008. The good news is that our 2009 planswere very conservative, there<strong>for</strong>e our year-to-date results arepositive compared to plan.Although these slumps in air travel are cyclical and we knowthe numbers will eventually return to previous highs, we can’t sitback and wait <strong>for</strong> that to happen. Our response to the situationwas swift and broad. Take <strong>for</strong> example the work being done withrespect to the air incentive rebate program, an initiative aimedat stimulating growth, increasing the competitiveness of TorontoPearson, providing more choices <strong>for</strong> passengers, demonstratingthe GTAA’s commitment to support airlines, and facilitatingregional economic growth.Airlines that meet eligibility requirements stand to save 50per cent in landing fees in their fi rst year of operations and 25 percent in the <strong>second</strong>. In general, those who could qualify <strong>for</strong> thisrebate include new entrants, those who are already establishedat Toronto Pearson who wish to add new routes to underserved o<strong>run</strong>served markets, and those who already operate out of TorontoPearson but are up-gauging their aircraft (larger planes allowing<strong>for</strong> greater capacity).Although it’s only been available <strong>for</strong> a few months, theinterest in the program has been tremendous and the resultshave been impressive. Since its announcement, more than adozen airlines have contacted us to begin the initial discussions.Thus far, those who have been able to take advantage of therebate program include:• Emirates. The airline upgraded route capacity through theuse of an Airbus 380 – <strong>first</strong> arrival was on June 1.• WestJet. They have expanded their summer operationsto a number of destinations within their network, includingMontego Bay, Edmonton and Fort Lauderdale.• Air India. Their <strong>service</strong> has grown from 3x weekly to dailyBoeing 777 <strong>service</strong> which will be carried through their winterschedule.• Icelandair. They have added approximately 39 more flightsto their summer schedule with <strong>service</strong> to Reykjavik.• Korean Air. The airline has grown from 3x weekly <strong>service</strong>using a Boeing 747 up to 5x weekly <strong>service</strong> aboard a Boeing777.• Turkish Airlines. This new entrant has added 3x weekly<strong>service</strong> to Istanbul on an Airbus 330 aircraft. Flights began onJuly 11.• Transaero. They are adding 12 additional summer flightsto Moscow using a Boeing 767.• Caribbean Airlines. Their year over year <strong>service</strong> to Port ofA recent poll conducted by Air Transport World(ATWonline.com) asked if news of Toronto Pearson’sincentive rebate program changes perceptions of theairport. The result of the 314 responses are as follows:Improved perceptions 64%Worsened perceptions 9%Did not change perceptions 27%Spain has grown to 2x daily <strong>service</strong> aboard a Boeing 737.With the rebate program firmly established, the GTAA’sMarketing group have been tasked with creating a buzz in theindustry. A comprehensive action plan has been developedto make it known to airlines that the GTAA is serious aboutgetting their business to Toronto Pearson and that there’s neverbeen a more attractive time to commence or increase <strong>service</strong>at Canada’s busiest airport. Through strategically placed onlinebanner ads in trade publications and direct-to-business e-blasts,potential airline customers are driven to a specially createdwebsite (www.torontolandingfees.com) to learn more about theprogram and begin the online application process.In<strong>for</strong>mation on new airline entrants and routes will beavailable on www.GTAA.com and in Toronto Pearson Today.Toronto Pearson Today Second Quarter 2009 7

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