Final programme - eshre 2013

Final programme - eshre 2013

Final programme - eshre 2013

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Overview Wednesday, 10 July <strong>2013</strong>08.30 - 09.30Session 52: Future infertility management−−When will infertility be explained? - Robert W. Rebar (U.S.A.)−−The future of randomized clinical trials - P.M.M. Bossuyt (The Netherlands)Auditorium08.30 - 09.30Session 53: Are human embryonic stem cells ready for regenerativemedicine?−−hESC and iPSC as models for human development and disease -Rita Vassena (Spain)−−Cell therapy with pluripotent stem cells (hESC and iPS) -Benjamin Reubinoff (Israel)Capital Hall A08.30 - 09.30Session 54: New findings in reproductive oncology−−Ovarian cancer and the incessant menstruation hypothesis -Edgardo Somigliana (Italy)−−Obesity and breast cancer: role of inflammation and dysregulatedmetabolism? - Evan Simpson (Australia)Capital Suite A08.30 - 09.30Session 55: ASRM/Society of Reproductive Biologists and TechnologistsExchange Symposium: Optimizing the culture and selection of humanembryo in <strong>2013</strong>−−Current status of non-invasive approaches for embryo assessmentand selection - Catherine Racowsky (U.S.A.)−−Evaluating media systems and day of transfer for human embryos:What are optimal? - Michael John Tucker (U.S.A.)Capital Hall B08.30 - 09.30Session 56: From experimental to established: ESHRE guidelines andposition papers−−The <strong>2013</strong> ESHRE guideline on the management of women withendometriosis. - Gerard A.J. Dunselman (The Netherlands)−−On the notion of the experimental - Veerle Provoost (Belgium)S8 - B09.30 - 10.00Coffee breakExhibit hall10.00 - 11.15Besins Healthcare Company Symposium - “Luteal phase support:Building on firm foundations”Auditorium10.00 - 11.45Session 57: Time lapse: the real revolution for embryo assessment?Capital Hall A10.00 - 11.30Session 58: Basics of reproductive endocrinologySession 59: EndometriumSession 60: Perinatal outcome after ARTSession 61: Effects of interventions on embryo qualityCapital Suite ACapital Hall BS8 - AS8 - B112

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