Therapeutic Jurisp & Sexual Predator Laws - Defense for SVP

Therapeutic Jurisp & Sexual Predator Laws - Defense for SVP

Therapeutic Jurisp & Sexual Predator Laws - Defense for SVP


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n279 Id.n280 Id. For an interesting account of prison life and its effect on inmates, see Jack Henry Abbot,In the Belly of the Beast: Letter from Prison (1981).n281 See supra notes 100-02 and accompanying text.n282 See supra notes 209-11 and accompanying text.n283 See infra note 284.n284 347 U.S. 483, 495 (citing K.B. Clark, Effect of Prejudice on Personality Development(1950), and Max Deutscher & Isidor Chein, The Psychological Effects of En<strong>for</strong>ced Segregation: ASurvey of Social Science Opinion, 26 J. Psychol. 259 (1948)).n285 The Effects of Prejudice and Discrimination, in Personality in the Making 147 (Helen LelandWitmer & Ruth Kotinsky eds., 1952). Other researchers, also using surveys, concluded:"substantial majorities of social scientists who may be said to have some competence with regardto the matters under inquiry agree that en<strong>for</strong>ced segregation is psychologically detrimental to boththe segregated and en<strong>for</strong>cing groups even when equal facilities are provided." Deutscher & Chein,supra note 284, at 268.n286 See Simon, supra note 16, at 455.n287 Id.n288 For an interesting TJ review of this approach, see Winick, supra note 8.n289 Professor Winick explores some of the potential adverse effects (as well as potentialbeneficial effects) that sex offender registration and community notification laws may have onparents. Winick, supra note 8, at 552-55. Newspaper reports of how angry and upset area residentsbecome when notified that a sex offender released from prison will be living in their neighborhoodalso provide some indication of the anger and, some would say, needless hysteria such laws arefomenting. See Alexander, supra note 219, at B1; Steinberg, supra note 226, at A1.n290 See, e.g., Sister Monica Kostielney, Understanding Justice with Clarity, Civility, andCompassion: Reflections on Selected Bibilical Passages and Catholic Church Teachings on theDeath Penalty, 13 T.M. Cooley L. Rev. 967 (1996).n291 See supra notes 16-23 and accompanying text.n292 Some TJ scholars have started this ambitious undertaking. See, e.g., Schopp, supra note 269.102K9W********** Print Completed **********

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