Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

Teacher's Guide - The Curriculum Project

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Economic Globalisation (cont’d)Pre-teach:isolated (verb): separated from others.relative (adj): considered in relation to something else, proportionateto relax (verb): here it means ‘to make less strict’technique (noun): a way of doing somethingrepetitive (adj): repeated many timesplentiful (adj): available in large quantitiesGroupwork1. Quiz. Put students into groups of 3-5. Give them 15 minutes to read andunderstand the information about ‘eBay:an economic miracle’, ‘Air Travel’,‘China’ and ‘Nokia’. Explain that after 15 minutes there will be a quiz, butthey won’t be able to look at the information in the book - only use theirmemories.When the time is up, write the first question below on the board and read itto the class. Give them about 2 minutes to prepare and write down ananswer in their groups. <strong>The</strong>n get each group to swap their answers. Elicit theanswer from one group. Check that the class agree. <strong>The</strong>n, have each groupcorrect the answers of the other group. Correct grammar is not importantfor this exercise, but meaning is very important. If a group gets the answerright they receive two points. If they get it ‘half right’ they get one point. Dothe same process with the other questions below, keeping scores on theboard to see which group gets the most points.Here are the questions and suggested answers (students’ answers can bein a different form as long as the key information is correct):1. How did the internet help eBay to grow its business?<strong>The</strong> internet allowed people all over the world to easily buy and sell things fromeach other.2. How many passengers are now transported by air every year?About 1.6 billion passengers are now transported by air every year.3. Why has the Chinese economy grown so quickly in the past fifteen years?<strong>The</strong> Chinese economy has grown so quickly because the government has relaxedthe economic laws.4. China is the world’s largest consumer of which goods?China is the world’s largest consumer of wood, steel, coal, meat and grain.5. Why can unskilled workers work in Nokia’s factory in Dongguan?Modern production techniques mean that unskilled workers can produce hightechnologyproducts.6. What are the advantages for Nokia of establishing a factory in Dongguan?Factory land and labour are cheap and plentiful.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Project</strong> ECONOMICS: an introduction - Teacher’s <strong>Guide</strong>67

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