Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

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COMPUTINGInformaon from:Mr MorganAssessment:• 60% controlled assessment• 40% wrien examinaonCourse contentA modern course for a modern world.This is a course that has real relevance in our modern world. While you will no doubt already have someknowledge of computers and related areas, the course will give you an in-depth understanding of howcomputer technology works and a look at what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. As part of this, you willinvesgate computer programming, designing and producing coded soluons to given problems.From academic research to internet and technology-based business, there is a growing need for peoplewho understand how computers work and who are able to program them to perform specific tasks. Theknowledge and skills you will gain from the course will help you to succeed in a world that is increasinglydominated by technology. The course is considered parcularly relevant to students with an interest inscience or mathemacs.The teaching style will create a balance between hands-on experience and the need to spend me awayfrom the computer to develop ideas and discuss current developments. During the course you will learn:• how computer technology works and how computers process data• how database technology stores and manipulates data• design and management of networks• how to design, write and test computer programs (the programming element of the course is taughtusing the Visual Studio plaorm and is based around the Visual Basic programming language).Work-related learning• You will study the impact compung has on both business and industryProgression routes• Post-16 Compung or ICT• Careers in computer programming, computer modelling or web design01284 761393 www.king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk/Parents/<strong>Key</strong> <strong>Stage</strong> 4 Opons 36

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