Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

Key Stage 4 Options Brochure

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How should I make my choices?There are 3 different curriculum areas offering courses. These are:1. Cultural (eg History, Spanish, Business)2. Creave (eg Drama, Art, Music)3. Scienfic (eg Technology, ICT, Home Economics, Child Development, Triple Science).Before you choose courses, think about your strengths and weaknesses, and your preferred style oflearning. Some students like hands-on praccal work. Many like courses that offer work-related elements.Others like to be able to undertake major coursework projects, whilst some prefer examinaons. If youopt for 2 subjects which contain major coursework projects it is important to consider the workload thatthis will entail. You would need to be a student who is capable of meeng regular coursework assignmentdeadlines. Certain subjects should not be combined other than with the agreement of the teaching staff :-Art and Texles; Product Design and Systems & Control.What is a good reason to choose a course?You should base your choices on:• subjects you are good at - this will lead to beer movaon and your best final results• subjects which interest you, which you enjoy and which you want to study for two years• subjects which may help you with your future career (if you already have some idea of what this mightbe).Do not choose a parcular course just because you get on well with the teacher or because a friendchooses it. The chances are that you will have a different teacher next year and you may not be in the sameclass as your friend.AssessmentAt the top of each informaonpage a summary of theassessment is clearly setout. Some people find thatcoursework suits their way ofworking. Other people preferto be assessed mainly throughexaminaons.01284 761393 www.king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk/Parents/<strong>Key</strong> <strong>Stage</strong> 4 Opons 5

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