Other Activities - Central Drug Research Institute

Other Activities - Central Drug Research Institute

Other Activities - Central Drug Research Institute

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<strong>Other</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>Prof. K MuniyappaRecombinational DNA repair in mycobacteria:Protein structures mechanisms and search forinhibitorsinterferometry technology & new applications of microarrays in drugdiscovery on 27 July 2011. Dr. Vipul Bhargav, Associate Director ofiLife Discoveries delivered a talk on use of Biolayer interferometrytechnology and microaarays in drug discovery. Mr. Ashwani Kamal,Application Scientist explained the technical details of abovetechniques. Scientists and <strong>Research</strong> fellows working in this domainparticipated in the programme and interacted with the experts.Live Demonstration cum Training Programme byThomson InnovationThomson Innovation is a single, integrated solution thatcombines intellectual property, scientific literature, business dataand news with analytic, collaborative and alerting tools in a robustplatform. Thomson Innovation organized a live demonstration cumtraining programme on 12 August 2011 at CSIR-CDRI. In thisprogramme, representatives demonstrated how they give us theability to research IP on our own terms. Gain optimal search powerwith Custom Fields, an exciting new capability that lets us incorporateour own data with global patent data for better, more relevantbusiness decisions.Sadbhawana Diwas“Sadbhawana Diwas” was celebrated in the institute on 19August 2011 with a theme to promote national integration andcommunal harmony among people of all religions, languages andregions. The idea behind observance of Sadbhawna Diwas is toavoid violence and to promote goodwill among the people. All theemployees of CSIR-CDRI participated in this occasion and took the“Pledge of Sadbhawana” that they will work for the emotional onenessand harmony of all the people of India regardless of caste, region,religion or language.Symposium on Proteins Shaped His Life: In Vinod’sMemoryA one day symposium entitled “Proteins Shaped His Life-inVinod’s Memory” was organized by CSIR-CDRI to pay tribute to lateDr. Vinod Bhakuni on August 24, 2011. The occasion was graced byformer Directors of the <strong>Institute</strong> and family members of Dr. VinodBhakuni. Scientists and students of the institute joined to payrespects to his memory. The symposium started with a presentationof photographs of Dr. Vinod Bhakuni and an account of his scientificcontributions. Dr. CM Gupta, former Director, CSIRCDRI talked abouthis 27-year association with Dr. Bhakuni. The scientific session hadprominent speakers from across the country as detailed below:Dr. Shekhar MandeAllosteric changes in the cAMP receptorprotein and the universality of cAMP mediatedsignalingProf. Rajiv BhatEffects of stress osmolytes on the stability,folding and aggregation of proteinsProf. P GuptasharmaA novel ‘structure-sensitive’ fluorescence frompolypeptide backbones associated withelectron transportDr. K PrakashProofreading and discard mechanisms in premRNAsplicingSix Monthly Meeting of Nagar RajbhashaKaryanvayan Samiti, LucknowThe six monthly meeting of Nagar Rajbhasha KaryanvayanSamiti (NRKS), Lucknow was organized in main auditorium of CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow on 26th August 2011. On this occasion, Dr T.K.Chakraborty, Director, CSIR-CDRI and President, Nagar RajbhashaKaryanvayan Samiti (NRKS), Lucknow chaired the meeting. Duringthe meeting, Dr. V.N. Tiwari, Senior Hindi Officer, CSIR-CDRI andSecretary NRKS presented the report of all 67 offices.Three offices were given distinguished awards and tenoffices were felicitated for working in Hindi. Three offices wereawarded for publication of Rajbhasha Patrika and other 35 officesProf. D BalasubramanianThe Greek Key Motif in crystallins and eye lenstransparency86 CSIR-CDRI

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