Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

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<strong>Issue</strong> No. 2 Volume 2 Term 1 06/07Parents Orientation Day– It was held on September 11, 2006, with Dr. Yeap as our speaker, he discussed some of the changesin <strong>Singapore</strong> Curriculum. Lots of parents from Kindergarten and Primary level attended the Parents Orientation Day.Here comes K2together withtheir teacher, Mr.Richard and Ms.Michelle.Fon, P3 was very happy to show herChinese lantern.

It’s our regular fire drill exercise for school year2006-2007. As the school bell rang, all pupils andteachers went out of their classrooms and assembledon the ground where they were met by themen in fireproof overall suits. These are the firebrigade from the Phra Khanong Fire Departmentwho help us with the fire drill.Our pupils, who were at first very tense while in thequeue waiting for their turn, eventually gainedcomposure as they successfully put out the gushingfire from the gas tank with a fire extinguisher.

P6 students are busy examining their work in Robotics. It’s a new and challenging club to join with.Mr. Scott, our computer teacher and webmaster will be handling the club.Girls and Young Men’s Brigade of Thailand– Headed by Ms. Vena from <strong>Singapore</strong>, introduced to <strong>Anglo</strong>students the objective and good points in joining this club. She assures us that joining this club, a studentswill benefit a lot from it. Aside from that, she mention that one of the activities of GB and YMB is to gocamping! Yepee!!

They were the students of P2, busy doing their art projectwith Ms. Jeon.

These 4 students from Primary level was chosen to represent<strong>Singapore</strong> in “ASEAN NIGHT 2006”.Out of several representatives from 10 countries, we are proudto say that our school has the only young candidates with thebest “ catwalk” performances.Juliana (P6) , Jazlina (P6)Ifrah (P6) , Bank (P5)K3 students ready for Trick and Treat. It’s a one day celebration filled with laughter and fun.Our cuties Rintaro and Hanako of K1P look so perfect! P3, beautiful ladies showing theirshocking pumpkins. And there you are, John, posing with Mrs. Julie, a lady with a golden hair.

Ms. Niav and Mr. Scott posingwith their lovely students ofK3.

<strong>School</strong> Outing for K1/K1PK1P and K1 students had their outing inDusit Zoo. Even though it’s a though day forour little ones, you can still see in theirfaces the excitement in this visit to the zoo.Chinese New Year Celebration&Grand <strong>School</strong> OpeningMarch 3, 2007<strong>School</strong> campusStarting from next year (January 2007), Kindergarten2 up to Primary 6 will move to thenew building. There were 12 huge classroomsand each of them are well equipped to suitfor students learning. Well it’s a good startfor each and everyone having a new schoolbuilding and a growing population of our studentsfrom different nationalities.Everyone is invited!! See you!!

We would like to congratulate our P6 students, specifically, Nicole , Si Yin , and Pooh for doing well in thePSLE Exam. All of them passed the examination which was set by the <strong>Singapore</strong> Government.PSLE (Primary <strong>School</strong> Leaving Examination), is a national examination, which a pupil sits at the end ofPrimary education to assess pupils’ suitability for secondary education and also to place them in appropriatesecondary school courses, which match their learning pace, ability and inclination.We are proud of :Nicole for scoring 4 A’sSi Min for entering Shrewsbury <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> ( jumping to grade 8 / equivalent to Secondary 2)Pooh for successful entering into a Secondary school in <strong>Singapore</strong>A special thanks to all our Primary Teachers for helping us throughout the year for the preparation for thisexamination.We would like to thank all the parents for all your donations toour fellow brothers and sisters in Chiang Rai. Your donations willbe a big help for them. This is a good start in celebrating Christmaswith sharing and helping our poor fellowmen. Once again, thankyou for having a good heart in helping others .

<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> is publishedevery end of the quarter. The reason forhaving this newsletter is to update everyparents in every activities, performances andevents in <strong>Anglo</strong>. Every parents is entitled toreceive a copy of our newsletter every endof the quarter during the Parent– TeachersMeeting.We are open to any suggestions and commentson how are we going to improve ournext issue, feel free to email us at :studentaffairs@anglosingapore.ac.thadmin@anglosingapore.ac.th<strong>School</strong> address:<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>341 Sukhumvit 31 Rd, Klongtan, Wattana,Bangkok 10110Tel. no. 02-6623105-6Fax: 02-66231074-5 - Teacher’s Training Day8 - <strong>School</strong> begins (<strong>2nd</strong> Term) 06/0726 - Company Brigade16 - Chinese New Year Celebration19-23 - <strong>School</strong> close for Chinese New Year26 - <strong>School</strong> Fees due for 3rd Term3 - Macha Bucha Day5 - Macha Bucha Day Substitute16 - Sports Day28-3 Apr.- Examination Day4-5 - Teacher’s Report6 - Chakri Day9 - Parent-Teachers Meeting10 - Songkran Celebration11-22 - <strong>School</strong> Break19-20 - Teachers Working Day23 - <strong>School</strong> begins for 3rd Term 06/07

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