Submission - Independent Pilots Association

Submission - Independent Pilots Association

Submission - Independent Pilots Association


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II.Acclimated Local Time - means the local time at the location where theflightcrew member last had greater than 36 hours free from duty in the first72 hours in theater.This definition provides an unambiguous time for applying the definition of NighttimeDuty Period and for entering the FDP and Flight Time limit tables. The original NPRMwording of “acclimated or home base” time left many questions of interpretation.Similarly, the exact location of acclimation must be known to determine future loss ofacclimation. For example, a pilot flies to Paris and has 37 hours off, but at the end of his72 hours in theater happens to be 3 more hours east at Tel Aviv. He is now acclimated,but where? Would a further flight two more hours east to Dubai cause him to beunacclimated? It depends whether you define the point of acclimation as being tied tothe 36-hour rest or to the 72 hours in theater condition. The above-proposed definitionremoves such doubts about the location of acclimation and the use of regulation tables,allowing reliable computer programming of scheduling. Both the tables and thedefinition of Nighttime Duty Period should then use the new term, “Acclimated LocalTime”.III.Unacclimated – A flightcrew member becomes unacclimated if he hastraveled to a location more than 4 times zones or more than 60 degrees oflongitude from the location at which he was last acclimated.The NPRM references “unacclimated” in several sections of the proposed regulation butdoes not define the term. We believe it should be defined. Defining acclimation in termsof “time zones” is subject to whim of governmental policy, (e.g., all of China is in a singletime zone even though it spans 5 normal time zones in width) 60 degrees of longitude isequivalent to 4 normal time zones and should be included as an alternative to the timezone metric.IV.Theater (amended): means a geographical area where local time at thecrewmember’s flight duty period departure point and arrival point differ by nomore than 4 time zones, or 60 degrees of longitude.19

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