Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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24 N. H. Bingham <strong>and</strong> A. J. Ostaszewskiwe call the maps x → [x, y] <strong>and</strong> y → [x, y] commutator maps <strong>and</strong> in the context of aspecified norm topology (either!), we say that the commutator [·, ·] is:(i) left continuous if for all y the map x → [x, y] is continuous at each x;(ii) right continuous if for all x the map y → [x, y] is continuous at each y,(iii) separately continuous if it is left <strong>and</strong> right continuous.We show that the commutators are like homomorphisms, in that their continuity may beimplied by continuity at the identity e X , but this does require that all the commutatormaps be continuous at the identity.Theorem 2.20. In a normed group an either-sided commutator is left continuous iff itis right continuous <strong>and</strong> so iff it is separately continuous.We deduce the above theorem from the following two more detailed results; see alsoTheorem 3.4 for further insights on this result.Proposition 2.21. In a normed group under either norm topology the following areequivalent for y ∈ X:(i) the commutator map x → [x, y] L is (left) continuous at x = y,(ii) the commutator map x → [x, y] L is (left) continuous at e, i.e. [z n , y] L → e, asz n → e,(iii) the commutator map x → [y, x] L is (right) continuous at e, i.e. [y, z n ] L → e, asz n → e,(iv) the commutator map z → [y, z] L is (right) continuous at z = y,(v) the commutator map z → [y −1 , z] R is (right) continuous at z = y −1 ,(vi) the commutator map x → [x, y −1 ] R is (left) continuous at x = y −1 .Proof. As the conclusions are symmetric without loss of generality we work in the rightnorm topology generated by the right-invariant metric d R <strong>and</strong> write → R to show that theconvergence is in d R . Note that y n → R x iff y n x −1 → e; there is no need for a subscriptfor convergence to e, as the ball B ε (e X ) is the same under either of the conjugate metrics(cf. Prop. 2.15). Indeed, writing y n = z n y, we have d R (z n y, y) = d R (z n , e) → 0.We first prove the chain of equivalences: (i)⇔(ii)⇔(iii)⇔(iv). The remaining equivalencesfollow from the observation that[z n , y] L = [zn−1 , y −1 ] R<strong>and</strong> zn−1 is a null sequence iff z n is.In regard to the first equivalence, employing the notation y n = z n y, the identityi.e.[z n , y] L = z n yz −1ny −1 = (z n y)y(y −1 zn−1 )y −1 = y n yyn −1 y −1 = [y n , y] L ,[y n , y] L = [y n y −1 , y] L ,

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