Jefferson Singer's Curriculum Vitae - Connecticut College

Jefferson Singer's Curriculum Vitae - Connecticut College

Jefferson Singer's Curriculum Vitae - Connecticut College


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CURRICULUM VITAE<strong>Jefferson</strong> Alan SingerOFFICE ADDRESS:HOME ADDRESS:Department of Psychology71 Walden Street<strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> West Hartford, CT 06107New London, CT 06320(860) 313-­‐‐0875(860) 439-­‐‐2343/jasin@conncoll.eduPERSONAL DATA:Birthdate: September 19, 1958PRESENT POSITION:EDUCATION:Elizabeth H. Faulk Professor of Psychology,<strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>Licensed Psychologist in the State of <strong>Connecticut</strong>(License No. 1511)1987 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Yale University1986-­‐‐87 Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology,University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine1984 M.Phil. Psychology, Yale University1983 M.S. Psychology, Yale University1980 B.A., Cum Laude, English and Psychology, Amherst <strong>College</strong>1978-­‐‐79 Visiting Student, Harvard UniversityHONORS AND AWARDS:2013 American Psychological Association Culture of Service Award, co-­‐recipient– awarded to the faculty members of the Department ofPsychology, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>, by the APA Board of Scientific Affairs inrecognition of graduate and undergraduate departments that demonstratea commitment to service in the psychological sciences.1

1980 Academy of American Poets Prize, Amherst <strong>College</strong>GRANTS and FELLOWSHIPS:2013 Research Matters Grant for Travel to England and Scotland to researchbook for Oxford University Press on Robert Louis Stevenson, Office of theDean of Faculty, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> -­‐‐ $20002010 Margaret Sheridan Community Learning Grant, Holleran Center forCommunity Action and Public Policy, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> – fundsreceived for course revision of “Practicum in Clinical and CommunityPsychology” to implement a community mental health needs assessmentproject that will culminate in a dinner/conference presentation forpracticum supervisors, community representatives, and members of thecampus community. -­‐‐ $15002010 President’s Faculty-­‐‐Student Engagement Fund, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>.“Bonding on Broadway.” Joint Psychology/Theater trip to NYC to seeTony and Pulitzer prize winning “Next to Normal.” (With AudreyZakriski, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology) -­‐‐ $15442007-­‐‐2008 Economic and Social Research Council/Social Science Research CouncilCollaborative Visiting Fellowship – Awarded to travel in March 2008 tothe University of Leeds, England for continued collaboration onautobiographical memory research with Martin Conway, Ph.D. -­‐‐ $50002006 <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Information Services DELI grant (Digitally EnhancedLearning Initiative) -­‐‐ grant to provide a digital camera to each participantin my first year seminar, “Psychological and Literary Perspectives onIdentity,” in order to conduct semester-­‐‐long projects -­‐‐ $35002006 Psychology and Katrina Relief Grant – grant to bring 7 undergraduatestudents to the American Psychological Association Conference in NewOrleans, August, 2006, in order to learn about psychology’s role inresponding to the Katrina disaster, as well as participate in service-­‐learningrelief efforts. President’s Fund and Holleran Center forCommunity Action and Public Policy -­‐‐ $45002001 Positive Psychology Research Grant – grant to support research onnarrative methodology that promotes study of rising to the occasion andan empirical science of personal growth, Co-­‐‐Principal Investigator withLaura King and Melanie C. Green, Positive Psychology Network, MartinSeligman, University of Pennsylvania -­‐‐ $50002000-­‐‐2002 Preparing Future Faculty — grant in partnership with the University ofColorado Boulder, Colorado <strong>College</strong>, Yale University, and <strong>Connecticut</strong><strong>College</strong> — $10,0003

2000 Lucent Technology — 1 year $91,000 grant to the Holleran Center forCommunity Action and Public Policy, project directors: Tracee Reiserand Katherine McKeon, associate directors of the Holleran Center1999 Glaxo – Wellcome Inc. – Asthma Awareness Program –Educational grant awarded to the Center for CommunityChallenges to sponsor health provider workshop and communityeducation fair ($19,000)1998 Surdna Foundation — 'ʹThe New London Vista Walkway Project."ʺ(Grant awarded to the Center for Community Challenges —Stevenson Carlebach, Helen Regan, Tracee Reiser, <strong>Jefferson</strong> A. Singer;Amount: $100,000 over two years)1998 Noank Baptist Group Home — "ʺEvaluation of Residential Services."ʺ(Grant awarded to support development of evaluation research;Amount: $4,000)1993 Sykes Faculty Fellow (nominated by students and appointed byProvost to coordinate Sykes Scholars Program for first yearstudents at <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> who have demonstrated thegreatest academic potential during their high school years)1993 Campus Compact Institute on Integrating Service with AcademicStudy—Boulder, Colorado (part of a team of five from <strong>Connecticut</strong><strong>College</strong> who were selected to participate along with teams from 14other universities and colleges to develop action plans for increasedservice learning opportunities at our institutions)1992 Mellon Initiative on Multiculturalism in the <strong>Curriculum</strong> (<strong>College</strong>grant to redesign introductory psychology sequence to increaseits attention to issues of diversity)1991 <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Capstone Grant (grant of release time tofinish book, The Remembered Self)1987-­‐‐88 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology, University ofCalifornia—San Francisco1986 MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in Health Psychology—Karolinska Institute, Sweden1983-­‐‐85 Yale University Graduate School Fellowship1981-­‐‐83 United States Public Health Service Traineeship in ClinicalPsychologyRESEARCH:1988-­‐‐1987-­‐‐89Engaged in research program investigating the relationship ofemotion and memory in personality and narrative identityResearch on prevention and treatment of depression and suicide4

CLINICAL EXPERIENCE:1989-­‐‐Licensed psychologist in private practice treating adults,couples, families, and adolescents1989-­‐‐97 Staff Psychologist, Southeastern Council on Alcoholism andDrug Dependence (S.C.A.D.D.)—supervision of staff andevaluation of dual diagnosis patients1986-­‐‐87 University of California, San Francisco, Department ofPsychiatry, Outpatient Department—evaluation and long termpsychotherapy for adults and children1987 Langley Porter Children'ʹs Service—diagnostic testing,inpatient unit for children, University of California, San Francisco1986-­‐‐87 Langley Porter Adolescent and Young Adult Service—providedindividual, family, and group therapy and diagnostic testing foradolescents and young adults on a psychiatric inpatient unit—University of California, San Francisco1983-­‐‐85 Psychological Services Clinic, Department of Psychology, YaleUniversity—individual, group, and family therapy; diagnostictesting1983 Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, YaleUniversity School of Medicine—bio-­‐‐feedback and relaxationtraining in assessment and treatment of headaches, back pain,and muscle tension1981-­‐‐83 Therapist, Longterm Psychotherapy Clinic, Yale Center forHealth Psychology, Department of Psychology, Yale University—assessment and psychotherapy in various modalities includingpsychodynamic and cognitive-­‐‐behavioral orientations1982 Practicum, Yale Psychiatric Institute, Yale University School ofMedicine—worked as aide on inpatient adolescent wardCONSULTING and BOARD ACTIVITIES:2006-­‐‐10 Board member, West Hartford Initiative on Racial and Ethnic Diversity(WHIRED), West Hartford, CT2000 Consultant to Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence(S.C.A.D.D.) – In-­‐‐services and Counselor Supervision1998-­‐‐99 Consultation to Chester Elementary School Social and EmotionalDevelopment Program Evaluation1997-­‐‐99 Consultation to Noank Baptist Group Homes, residential treatment forfemale adolescents, on evaluation of program outcomes, Mystic CT6

1994-­‐‐95 Consultation to teachers and administrative staff at Solomon SchechterAcademy, New London CT1992-­‐‐94 Board of Directors, Community Mental Health Services of South-­‐eastern<strong>Connecticut</strong>, New London CT1992-­‐‐93 Board of Directors, Beth Shalom Synagogue, Deep River CT1992-­‐‐94 Advisory Board, Teenline—a peer hotline sponsored byCONTACT, Mystic CT1992 Teenline—provide coverage, consultation, and training totelephone crisis line for teenagers1989 Center for Management, The Institute of Living, Hartford CT1989 Ledyard High School Guidance Department, Ledyard CT1984 Local 217, Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union,Hartford CT—worked with union staff and shop stewards todevelop a comprehensive stress assessment of union membersat a Hartford hotel1984 Southern New England Telephone Company, New Haven CT—provided assistance in development of evaluation strategy forstatewide stress management programSERVICE ACTIVITIES:<strong>College</strong> Service2013-2014 Chair-Elect, Faculty Steering and Conference Committee2012 -2013 Dean of Student Life Search Committee2012-2013 Faculty-Admissions Office Liaison Committee2011-2012 Study Group for the Charting the Future of Liberal Arts2010-­‐‐2014 Posse Scholars Mentor, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Posse 22010-­‐‐2011 Faculty-­‐‐Admissions Office Liaison Committee2009-­‐‐2011 Graduate Studies Committee2009-­‐‐2010 Secretary of the Committee on Academic Promotions and Tenure2008-­‐‐2011 Member of Committee on Academic Promotions and Tenure2009 Task Force on Academic Challenge2007-­‐‐2009 Faculty Fellow for Men’s Basketball Team2007 Chair of Search Committee for Dean of Multicultural Affairs2005-­‐‐2007 Multicultural Diversity Steering Committee Co-­‐‐Chair2005-­‐‐2006 Committee on Faculty Resources2004-­‐‐2005 Compensation for Faculty Committee2002-­‐‐2003 Chair – Information Services Committee1999-­‐‐2002 Chair – Psychology Department, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>1998-­‐‐2001 Director —Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy2000-­‐‐2002 Educational Planning Committee2000 Committee in Being (Presidential Transition)7

2000-­‐‐2002 Institutional Review Board1998-­‐‐99 Phi Beta Kappa Membership Committee1997-­‐‐98 Educational Planning Committee1997-­‐‐ Steering Committee, Holleran Center1997-­‐‐2000 Lectures and Conferences Committee, Chair (1999,2000)1996-­‐‐98 Associate Director of Research and the Senior Experience, Center forInternational Studies in the Liberal Arts (CISLA)1995-­‐‐96 Director of the Study Away/Teach Away (SATA)-­‐‐Mexico Program1993-­‐‐97 Planning Committee to create a Center for CommunityChallenges at <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>1993-­‐‐94 Member of the Strategic Planning Committee for <strong>Connecticut</strong><strong>College</strong> (Chair: Subcommittee on Community and Diversity)1992-­‐‐95 Graduate Studies and Continuing Education Committee1991-­‐‐2008 Watson Fellowship Selection Committee, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>1992-­‐‐94 CASE-­‐‐J—Joint administration, faculty, and student committee topromote unified campus action on issues of social justice,1991-­‐‐93 Anti-­‐‐Semitism Conference Plenary Committee1990-­‐‐92 Lectures and Monograph Committee1989-­‐‐91 Educational Planning Committee (EPC)1989-­‐‐91 Committee to evaluate Counseling Services at <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>1990-­‐‐91 <strong>College</strong> Fellow Advisory Board1990 Search Committee for Coordinator of Prison Literacy Course,Office of Volunteers for Community Service (OVCS)1989-­‐‐90 Ad Hoc Committee for Federal Student Literacy Corps GrantRequest, Office of Volunteers for Community Service (OVCS)1989 Search Committee for Director of Career Services1988-­‐‐89 Junior Faculty Liaison to <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Strategic PlanningCommittee evaluating the academic mission of the <strong>College</strong>1989-­‐‐92 <strong>College</strong> Fellow for Lazarus and Branford DormitoriesDepartment Service2012-­‐‐2013 Colloquium Coordinator – Department of Psychology2006-­‐‐2007,2008-­‐‐2012 Psi Chi Advisor, Psychology Honors Organization2005-­‐‐2006 Colloquium Coordinator – Department of Psychology2004-­‐‐2005 Psi Chi Advisor, Psychology Honors Organization2002-­‐‐2003 Psi Chi Advisor, Psychology Honors Organization1996-­‐‐ (1993-­‐‐95) Chair—Psychology Graduate Admissions Committee1989-­‐‐ Director of Personality and Clinical Psychology Research Group1993-­‐‐94 Psi Chi Advisor, Psychology Honors Organization—planning8

1989-­‐‐1990-­‐‐911989-­‐‐901989-­‐‐941989-­‐‐95Annual Psychology Department Conference and overseeing<strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Psychology JournalConsulting Editor—<strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Psychology JournalCoordinator—Department of Psychology Colloquium SeriesResearch Ethics Committee for Subject PoolFaculty Advisor—Psychology Department NewsletterCoordinator—Friday Research LunchPROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS:Chair of Sarbin Award Committee (Division 24, 2008)American Psychological Association (Division 1, Division 2, Division 8, Division9,24; Division 8 Chair of Henry Murray Award 2004)American Psychological SocietySociety of Personology (Elected member and Steering Committee, 2005-­‐‐)New England Psychological AssociationAmerican Association of University ProfessorsSigma XiPsi ChiEDITORIAL WORK AND REVIEWING:2013 – Associate Editor and Part of Founding Editorial Staff – Qualitative Psychology2010-­‐‐ Editorial Board, Journal of Unified Psychotherapy and Clinical Science2007-­‐‐ Editorial Board, Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy2005-­‐‐ Editorial Board, Journal of Personality2000-­‐‐2005 Associate Editor, Journal of Personality1998-­‐‐2003 Associate Editor, Contemporary Psychology – APA Journal of Book Reviews2001-­‐‐ Editorial Board, Imagination, Cognition and Personality1996-­‐‐ Editorial Board, Review of General Psychology1985-­‐‐ Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; PsychologicalBulletin; Psychological Review; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Journal ofPersonality; Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology; Cognition and Emotion; Journalof Abnormal Psychology; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; HealthPsychology; Imagination, Personality, and Cognition; Psychology and Aging; Memoryand Cognition; Memory; Sex Roles; National Science Foundation; National Institute ofMental Health; Canadian Research Council; Guilford Press; Harper Collins; HoughtonMifflin; Academic Press, Wiley; Harvard University Press; Sage; Wadsworth; Blackwell;Oxford University Press; Emotion; Personality and Social Psychology Review; Analysisof Social Issues and Public Policy; Spanish Journal of Psychology; Journal of ClinicalPsychology; Consciousness and Cognition; Psychiatry Research; Psychotherapy andPractice.9

PUBLICATIONS:BooksSinger, J. A. (under contract). The proper pirate: A psychological study of Robert LouisStevenson: New York: Oxford University Press.Singer, J. A., & Skerrett, K. (2014). Positive couple therapy: Using we-­‐‐stories to enhanceresilience. New York: Routledge.Singer, J. A. (2005). Personality and psychotherapy: Treating the whole person. New York:Guilford Press.Singer, J. A. (2005). Memories that matter: Using self-­‐‐defining memories to understand andchange your life. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.Singer, J. A., & Salovey, P. (Eds.) (1999). At play in the fields of consciousness: Essays inhonor of Jerome L. Singer. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Press.Singer, J. A. (1997). Message in a bottle: Stories of men and addiction. New York:Free Press.Singer, J.A., & Salovey, P. (1993). The remembered self: Emotion, memory,and personality. New York: Free Press.Articles, Chapters, and ReviewsSinger, J. A., & Conway, M. A. (in press). The varieties of remembered experience:Moving memory beyond the bounded self. Memory Studies.Singer, J. A., & Kasmark, A. (in press). A translational research approach to narrativeidentity in psychotherapy. In K. McLean, & M. Syed (Eds.), Handbook of identitydevelopment. New York: Oxford University Press.Baddeley, J. L., Singer, J. A., & Berry, M. M. (2013). Mutuality and maritaladjustment, well-being, and health in military couples. The Military Psychologist.28 (3), 19-25.Singer, J. A. (2013). Lost in translation? Finding the person in the emergingparadigm of clinical science. Introduction to a special issue on personality andpsychotherapy. Journal of Personality, 81, 511-514.Singer, J. A., Blagov, P., Berry, M., & Oost, K. M. (2013). Self-defining memories,scripts, and the life story: Narrative identity in personality and psychotherapy.Journal of Personality, 81, 569-582.Harrison, A., & Singer, J. A. (2013-2014). Boundaries in the mind: Historical context andcurrent research using the Boundary Questionnaire. Imagination, Cognition, andPersonality, 33, 1-2, 205-215.Singer, J. A., Singer, B. F., & Berry, M. (2013). A meaning-­‐‐based intervention foraddiction: Using narrative therapy and mindfulness to treat alcohol abuse. In J.Hicks and C. Routledge (Eds.), The experience of meaning in life: Classicalperspectives, emerging themes, and controversies (pp. 379-­‐‐391). New York: Springer.McWilliams, M. A., Nier, J. A., & Singer, J. A. (2013). The implicit self and thespecificity-matching principle: Implicit self-concept predicts domain-specificoutcomes. Personality and Individual Differences. 54, 474-478.Singer, J.A. (2011). ‘Location, location, location’: How narrative therapy shifts our10

thinking and practice from personal to relational, social, and political concerns[Book review of Narrative Therapy by Stephen Madigan, Washington DC: APABooks]. PsycCritiques, 56 (23), D.I.- 10.1037/a0023721.Singer, J. A., & Conway, M. A. (2011). Reconsidering therapeutic action: Loewald,cognitive neuroscience, and the integration of memory’s duality. InternationalJournal of Psychoanalysis, 92, (5), 1183-1207.Singer, J. A., & Labunko-Messier, B. (2010). Using self-defining memories in couplestreatment for older adults. In G. Kenyon, E. Bohlmeijer, & W. Randall (Eds.)Storying later life: Issues, investigations, and interventions in narrative gerontology (pp.213-234). New York: Oxford University Press.Singer, J. A., & Bonalume, L. (2010). Toward the scientific study of autobiographicalmemory narratives in psychotherapy. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 6,215-222 (Response to Commentaries).Singer, J. A., & Bonalume, L. (2010). Autobiographical memory narratives inpsychotherapy: A coding system applied to the case of Cynthia. Pragmatic CaseStudies in Psychotherapy, 6, 134-188 (Target Article for Issue).Singer, J. A. (2010). The peril of vehemence. [Book review of The trauma myth by SusanClancy, New York: Basic Books]. Commonweal, 137, No. 12, 22-23.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. (2010). A loss in the family: Silence, memory, andnarrative identity after bereavement. Memory, 18, 198-207.Harrison, A., & Singer, J. A. (2009-2010). Differentiating religiousness and spiritualitythrough boundaries of mind and daydreaming styles. Imagination, Cognition, andPersonality, 29, 323-339.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. (2009). A social interactional model of bereavementnarrative disclosure. Review of General Psychology, 13, 202-218.Singer, J. A. (2008). The rich bounty of international collaboration. PsychologyInternational, 19, 10-11.Singer, J. A., & Conway, M. A. (2008). Should we forget about forgetting? MemoryStudies, 1 (No. 3), 279-­‐‐285.Singer, J. A., Baddeley, J. L., & Frantsve, L. (2008). Supervision in person-­‐‐centered andnarrative psychotherapy. In A. K. Hess (Ed.), Psychotherapy supervision: Theory,research and practice, 2 nd ed (pp. 114-­‐‐136). New York: Wiley.Singer, J. A. (2008, April 23). Relation shapes: Intimate constructions of self and other[Review of the book, Playing Pygmalion: How people create one other}:PsycCRITIQUES-­‐‐Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 53 (17), Article 1.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. (2008). Telling losses: Personality correlates andfunctions of bereavement narratives. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 421-­‐‐438.Patterson, C. L., & Singer, J. A. (2007-­‐‐2008). Exploring the role of expectancies in themental and physical health outcomes of written disclosure. Imagination,Cognition, and Personality, 27 (2), 99-­‐‐115.Singer, J. A., Rexhaj, B., & Baddeley, J. L. (2007). Older, wiser, and happier?:Comparing older adults’ and college students’ self-­‐‐defining memories. Memory,15, 886-­‐‐898.11

Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. (2007). Charting the life story’s path: Narrative identityacross the life span. In J. Clandinin (Ed.), Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: Mapping amethodology (pp. 177-­‐‐202). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Hayden, J., Singer, J.A., & Chrisler, J. C. (2006). The transmission of birth stories frommothers to daughters: Self-­‐‐esteem and mother-­‐‐daughter attachment. Sex Roles,55, 373-­‐‐383.Singer, J. A., & Rexhaj, B. (2006). Narrative coherence and psychotherapy: Acommentary. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 19, 209-217.Singer, J. A. (2006). Memory, emotion, and psychotherapy: Maximizing the positivefunctions of self-­‐‐defining memories. In R. Uttl, A. Siegenthaler, and N. Ohta(Eds.), Memory and emotion: Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 211-­‐‐232). Oxford:Blackwell Press.Singer, J. A. (June, 2006). Memories that matter. Bottom Line Personal, 27, 11.Singer, J. A. (October, 2 nd , 2005). Evacuees cut loose from touchstones of memory.Hartford Courant, C4.Singer, J. A. (2005). The 2003 Henry A. Murray Address: Introduction to David Winter’s“Things I’ve learned about personality from studying potential leaders at adistance. Journal of Personality, 73, 1-­‐‐3.Conway, M. A., Singer, J. A., & Tagini, A. (2004). The self and autobiographicalmemory: Correspondence and coherence. Social Cognition, 22, 491-­‐‐529.Singer, J. A. (2004). A love story: Using self-­‐‐defining memories in couples therapy. In R.Josselson, D. P. McAdams, R. Josselson, & A. Lieblich (Eds), Healing plots:Narrative and psychotherapy (pp. 189-­‐‐208). Washington DC: AmericanPsychological Association.Singer, J. A., & Blagov, P. (2004). Self-­‐‐defining memories, narrative identity andpsychotherapy: A conceptual model, empirical investigation and case report. InL. E. Angus & J. McLeod (Eds.), Handbook of narrative and psychotherapy: Practice,theory and research (pp. 229-­‐‐246). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Singer, J. A. (2004). Narrative identity and meaning-­‐‐making across the adult span: AnIntroduction. Journal of Personality, 72, 437-­‐‐459.Blagov, P., & Singer, J. A. (2004). Four dimensions of self-­‐‐defining memories(Content, specificity, meaning, and affect) and their relationship to self-­‐‐restraint,distress, and repressive defensiveness. Journal of Personality, 72, 481-­‐‐511.Singer, J.A., & Blagov, P. (2004). The integrative function of narrative processing:Autobiographical memories, self-­‐‐defining memories and the life story theory ofidentity. In D. Beike, J. Lampinen, & D. Behrend, & (Eds.), The self and memory(pp. 117-­‐‐138). NY: The Psychology Press.Singer, J. A. (2004). Living and learning: Splitting time between studying and makingmemories. American Psychological Society Observer, 17, 22-­‐‐23.Voronov, M., & Singer, J.A. (2002). Filial piety reconsidered. Journalof Social Psychology, 142, 461-­‐‐480.12

Blagov, P., & Singer, J.A. (2002). Book review of [Momentous Events, VividMemories by David Pillemer]. Imagination, Cognition and Personality.Singer, J.A., King, L.A., Green, M.C., & Barr, S.C. (2002). Personal identity andcivic responsibility: “Rising to the occasion” narratives and generativity incommunity action interns. Journal of Social Issues, 58, 535-­‐‐556.Singer, J.A. & Bluck, S. (Eds.) (2001). Special issue of Review of General Psychology:Thinking about life: From autobiographical memory to the life story. 5,90-­‐‐161.Singer, J. A. & Bluck, S. (2001). New perspectives on autobiographical memory: Theintegration of narrative processing and autobiographical reasoning. Review ofGeneral Psychology, 5, 91-­‐‐99.Singer, J.A. (2001). Living in the amber cloud: A life story analysis of a heroin addict. InD. P. McAdams, & R. Josselson (Eds.), Turns in the road: Narrative studies of lives intransition (pp. 253-­‐‐277). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.Singer, J.A., Singer, J.L., & Zittel, C. (2000). Personality variations inautobiographical memories, self-­‐‐representations, and daydreaming. In R.G.Kunzendorf and B. Wallace (Eds.) Individual differences in consciousnessresearch. (pp. 351-­‐‐373). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.Singer, J.A. (2000). Review of Separation and its discontents by Kevin McDonald.Shofar: An Interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies, 19, (2).Singer, J.A. (2000). Peak experience. In Encyclopedia of Psychology, vol. 6 (pp. 76-­‐‐78).Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.Josephson, B.R., Rose, R.A., & Singer, J.A. (2000). Thought sampling of depressedcollege students after sad mood induction. Imagination, Cognition andPersonality, 19, 27-­‐‐37.Singer, J.A. (December 21, 2000), Antidote to the holiday blues. USA Today(Opinion-­‐‐editorial Page), p. 15A.Half, L., Singer, J.A., & MacKinnon, J.M. (1999). Jewish identity, hostility towardGermany, and knowledge about the holocaust in the United States and Germany.Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 23, 107-­‐‐124.Singer, J.A. (1998). The invisible man. Northeast (The Hartford Courant SundayMagazine), March 15, 1998, 10-­‐‐17.Singer, J.A. (1998). Message in a bottle. <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> Magazine, 7 (2), 20-­‐‐25.Singer, J.A. (1998). Street people give a scare to their fellow travelers.The News-­‐‐Times (Danbury, CT), January 13, 1998, p. A-­‐‐9.Carlebach, S., & Singer, J.A. (1998). Applying service-­‐‐learning to a theater andpsychology class on prejudice. In D. Duffy & R. Pringle (Eds.), Collaboratingwith the community: Psychology and service learning. Washington, DC:American Association of Higher Learning.Singer, J.A. (1998). Applying a systems framework to self-­‐‐defining memories.Psychological Inquiry, 9, 161-­‐‐164.13

Dutton, S., Singer, J.A., & Devlin, A. (1998). Racial identity of children in integrated,predominantly white, and black schools. Journal of Social Psychology. 138,41-­‐‐53.Singer, J.A. (1997). [book review of Teaching what you'ʹre not: Identity politics inhigher education] Vanguard, 18, p. 4, p. 10.Singer, J.A. (1997). How recovered memory debates reduce the richness of humanidentity. Psychological Inquiry, 8, 325-­‐‐339.Singer, J.A. (1996). To integrate or not to integrate: Reconciling narrative andself-­‐‐report approaches to personality. Psychological Inquiry, 7, 367-­‐‐371.Singer, J.A. (1996). The story of your life: A process perspective on narrative andemotion in adult development. In C. Magai, & S. McFadden (Eds.),Handbook of emotion and adult development and aging (pp. 443-­‐‐463).New York: Academic Press.Josephson, B., Singer, J.A, & Salovey. (1996). Mood regulation and memory:Repairing sad moods with happy memories. Cognition and Emotion, 10,437-­‐‐444.Singer, J.A., & Salovey, P. (1996). Motivated memory: Self-­‐‐defining memories,goals, and affect regulation. In L. Martin, & A. Tesser (Eds.), Striving andfeeling. New York: Erlbaum.Singer J.A., & Sarbin, T.R. (Eds.) (1995). Special issue: Narrative construction ofemotional life. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 5, 203-­‐‐283.Singer, J.A. (1995). Putting emotion in context: Its place within individual and socialnarratives. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 5, 255-­‐‐268.Wagner, A., Frankfurt, J., Keller, G., & Singer, J.A. (1995). Congregation Beth Shalom:The living history of a rural synagogue. An original video production depictingthe oral history of a synagogue in Deep River, CT.Singer, J.A. (1995). Blaming others inevitably leads to violence. The Day, May 21, 1995.(Column on the Oklahoma City bombing for the Opinion-­‐‐Editorial Page).Singer, J.A. (1995). Seeing one'ʹs self: Locating narrative memory in a framework ofpersonality. Journal of Personality, 51, 206-­‐‐231.Evans, K., & Singer, J.A. (1995). Studying intimacy through narratives: The relationshipof dreams to self-­‐‐report and projective measures of personality. Imagination,Cognition, and Personality. 14, 211-­‐‐226.Singer, J.A., & Singer, J.L. (1994). Social cognitive and narrative perspectives ontransference. In J.M. Masling & R.R. Bornstein, (Eds.). Empirical perspectiveson object relations (pp. 157-­‐‐194). Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation.Moffitt, K.H., Singer, J.A., Nelligan, D.W.,Carlson, M.A., & Vyse, S.A. (1994).Depression and memory narrative type. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,103, 581-­‐‐583.Moffitt, K.H., & Singer, J.A. (1994). Continuity in the life story: Affective14

61-­‐‐68.Singer, J.A., Neale, M.S., Schwartz, G.E., & Schwartz, J. (1986). Conflicting per-­‐spectiveson stress reduction in occupational settings: A systems approachto their resolution. In M. Cataldo and T. Coates (Eds.), Health and Industry.New York: Wiley.Singer, J.A., Neale, M.S., & Schwartz, G.E. (1985). Labor and corporate per-­‐spectiveon stress reduction in the workplace. Corporate Commentary—A Worksite Health Evaluation Report, 1, 11-­‐‐23.Singer, J.A. (1983). [Review of Being Adolescent by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyiand Reed Larson]. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 3, 383-­‐‐385.Neale, M.S., Singer, J.A., Schwartz, G.E., and Schwartz, J. (1982). Stressreduction in occupational settings. Report to the National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health, P.O. #82-­‐‐1058, Cincinnati, Ohio.Schwartz, G.E., Weinberger, D.A., & Singer, J.A. (1981). Cardiovasculardifferentiation of happiness, sadness, anger, and fear followingimagery and exercise. Psychosomatic Medicine, 43, 343-­‐‐364.PRESENTATIONS:INVITED COLLOQUIAAmherst <strong>College</strong>University of Arkansas -­‐‐ FayettevilleUniversity of the Americas-­‐‐Puebla, MexicoCity University of New York Graduate CenterColumbia UniversityUniversity of <strong>Connecticut</strong> Medical School, FarmingtonUniversity of <strong>Connecticut</strong> -­‐‐ StorrsUniversity of Georgia -­‐‐ AthensUniversity of HartfordInstitute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York, NYKarolinska Institute, SwedenUniversity of Leeds, EnglandOxford University, EnglandNewcastle Cognitive-­‐‐Behavioral Centre, EnglandNew York UniversityQuinnipiac UniversityRandolph-­‐‐Macon <strong>College</strong>University of Rhode IslandUniversity of Stockholm, SwedenUniversity of Strasbourg, France16

Smith <strong>College</strong>Tsukuba University, JapanWellesley <strong>College</strong>Wesleyan UniversityYale UniversityPRESENTATIONSSinger, J.A., Neale, M.S., Schwartz, J., & Schwartz, G.E. Report on corporate andlabor stress reduction programs. Presented at the fourth annual scienti-­‐ficsession of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, March,1983.Salovey, P., & Singer, J.A. Using dyads to improve fieldwork experiences at atherapeutic nursery. Presented at a symposium entitled "ʺCommunity basedinterventions with children: Graduate and undergraduate trainingissues and experiences"ʺ (R.P. Weissberg, Chair) at the annual meeting ofthe Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD, April, 1984.Singer, J.A. Lateral and vertical eye movements during the retrieval, reexperi-­‐ence,and rating of emotional memories. Presented at the annualmeeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD, April,1984.Neale, M.S., Ochberg, R., Silberstein, L., Singer, J.A., & Terrell, M. An integra-­‐tionof adult development theory and group psychotherapy: A modelfor training student therapists. Presented at the annual meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August, 1984.Salovey, P., & Singer, J.A. Mood and recall of autobiographical memories:Failure to find congruency. Presented at the annual convention of theAmerican Association, Los Angeles, CA, August, 1985.Singer, J.A. & Heyman, S. Finding clinical internships in rural settings: Asurvey and report. Presented at American Psychological Association,Los Angeles, CA, August, 1985.Singer, J.A., Neale, M.S., & Schwartz, G.E. Health psychology in the workplace:Redefining the psychologist'ʹs role. Presented at American PsychologicalAssociation, Los Angeles, CA, August, 1985.Singer, J.A. The role of personality in affective responses to autobiographicalmemories. Presented in colloquium series of Department of Psychology,University of Stockholm, May, 1986.Singer, J.A. A systems assessment of occupational stress: Evaluating a hotelduring contract negotiations. Presented in MacArthur FoundationHealth Psychology Series, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, May, 1986.Singer, J.A. Affective responses to memories and their relationship to life17

goals. Presented at the annual convention of the Western PsychologicalAssociation, San Francisco, CA, April, 1988.Singer, J.A. Autobiographical memories and life goals. Presented at the annualconvention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA,August, 1988.Singer, J.A., Saltzberg, E., & Yatim, D. Self-­‐‐defining memories: A subtype ofautobiographical memory. Presented at the annual convention of theEastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA, March, 1989.Lee, E., & Singer, J.A. A comparison of group therapy techniques for adoles-­‐centsin residential treatment. Presented at the annual convention ofthe Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA, March, 1990.annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Phila-­‐delphia,PA, March, 1990.Singer, J.A., & Moffitt, K., Lee, E., & Lee, S. Single event and summarymemories: Identifying memory narrative types. Presented at theannual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association,Philadelphia, PA, March, 1990.Singer, J.A., & Moffitt, K.H. Emotion, personality, & memory. Presented at the10th annual international conference on motivation and emotion.Nags Head Conference Center, Kill Devil Hills, NC, June, 1990.Singer, J.A., Moffit, K., Lee, E., & Lee, S. Narrative types in spoken and writtenmemories. Presented at the annual convention of the American Psycho-­‐logicalAssociation, Boston, MA, August, 1990.Singer, J.A., & Reiser, R.I. Psychological development in the child of an alco-­‐holic:An application of Erickson'ʹs theory. Presented at the annualconvention of the <strong>Connecticut</strong> Psychological Association, Stamford, CT,October, 1990.Coleton, M.I., & Singer, J.A. A systems assessment of occupational stress in anoncology outpatient unit. Presented at "ʺWork and Well-­‐‐Being: AnAgenda for the 90'ʹs"ʺ, a national conference sponsored by the AmericanPsychological Association in conjunction with the National Institute forOccupational Safety and Health (APA/NIOSH), Washington, DC,November, 1990.Moffitt, K.H., & Singer, J.A. Affective responses to self-­‐‐defining memories andtheir relationship to personal strivings. Presented at the annual conven-­‐tionof the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY, April, 1991.Zeisz, J., & Singer, J.A. Relationship among coping, self-­‐‐esteem, and behavior inadolescents. Presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Psycho-­‐logicalAssociation, New York, NY, April, 1991.Yatim, D., & Singer, J.A. The identity formation process among American andIndonesian adolescents: A cross-­‐‐cultural comparison. Presented at the18

annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York,NY, April, 1991.Moffitt, K.H., & Singer, J.A. Past, present, and future selves: The relationship ofmemories and goals in personality. Presented at the annual conventionof the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August,1991.Suchday, S., Almeida, M., Dhabhar, S., Johnston, I., Murstein, B.I., & Singer, J.A.Date and mate preferences in India and the United States. Presented atthe International Council of Psychologists, San Francisco, CA, August, 1991.Singer, J.A. Exploring links among memories, affect, and goals. Invited talk tothe Social Psychology Research Lunch, Department of Psychology, YaleUniversity, Fall 1991.Crofts, N., & Singer, J.A. The relationship between knowledge about mental re-­‐tardation,job satisfaction, and burnout in mental retardation workers.Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA, April,1992.Moffitt, K.H., Nelligan, D.W., Carlson, M.A., Vyse, S.A., & Singer, J.A.Depression and memory type. Presented at the American PsychologicalAssociation, August, 1992.Singer, J.A. (Invited Panelist). Decriminalization and its impact on treatmentoutcomes. Conference on societal implications for adolescent substanceabuse. Sponsored by Lawrence and Memorial Hospital Department ofPsychiatry, New London, CT, November, 1992.Crofts, N., & Singer, J.A. The transition from institutions to community basedresidential programs for individuals with mental retardation. Presentedat the New England Sociological Association annual meeting, Bryant<strong>College</strong>, Smithfield, RI, April, 1993.Zittel, C.B., Singer, J.A., & Carlebach, S. Using early memories to teach aboutprejudice. Presented at the <strong>Connecticut</strong> Psychological Association,Stamford, CT, May, 1993.Singer, J.A., Zittel, C.B., Tyson, A., & Kirmmse, J. Earliest memories of racial/ethnic difference and prejudice. Presented at the annual meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August, 1993.Singer, J.A. Applying research on self-­‐‐defining memories to psychotherapy.Part of a symposium on "ʺHow research in personality and cognitivepsychology can inform clinical practice."ʺ Presented at the annualmeeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario,August, 1993.Singer, J.A. <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>'ʹs role in the national community. Facultyaddress at the 79th Convocation of <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>, New London,CT, September, 1993.19

Sadler, I., & Singer, J.A. Early memories and racial/ethnic identity. Presented atthe Greater New York Conference on Social Research, November, 1993.Carlebach, S., & Singer, J.A. Human emotions: Using psychology and theater toteach about race, ethnicity, and prejudice. Presented at "ʺTeaching ThroughDifference"ʺ Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, November,1993.Singer, J.A. The problem of identity in Europa Europa and Madame Rosa.Presented at the "ʺJew Hatred: Paradigm for Racisim"ʺ Conference,Daniel Klagsbrun Symposium, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>, New London, CT,November, 1993.Singer, J.A., & Salovey, P. Self-­‐‐defining memories and personality. Presented atthe Conference on Goals and Affect, University of Georgia, Athens, GA,January, 1994.Singer, J.A. Discussant for symposium on the narrative construction of emotionallife. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA,August, 1994.Josephson, B.R., & Singer, J.A. Mood, memory, and the regulation of depression.Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,Los Angeles, CA, August, 1994.Sadler, I., & Singer, J.A. Earliest memories of prejudice: Emotion and racial identitydevelopment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American PsychologicalAssociation, Los Angeles, CA, August, 1994.Singer, J.A., & Carlebach, S. Using psychology and theater to teach about prejudice.Presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association,Quinnipiac <strong>College</strong>, Hamden, CT, October, 1994.Singer, J.A. Early memories and racial identity development. Presented at thePersonality and Social Psychology Research Lunch Series, Department ofPsychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, November, 1994.Singer, J.A. The remembered self: Emotion and memory in personality. ColloquiumPresentation, Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University, Middletown,CT, December, 1994.Rayder, T.Z., Singer, J.A., & O'ʹConnor, L. Attributional style, proneness to shame andguilt, and depression in adolescents in recovery from substance abuse. Presentedat the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA,March, 1995.Singer, J.A. Self-­‐‐defining memories and psychotherapy. Presented as the invitedaddress on supervisor appreciation day for the doctoral program in psychology,University of Hartford, Hartford, CT, May, 1995.Rayder, T.Z., Singer, J.A., & O'ʹConnor, L. Attributional style, proneness to shame andguilt, and depression in adolescents in recovery. Presented at the annualmeeting of the American Psychology Society, New York, NY, June, 1995.20

Singer, J.A., Canfield, A., Fisher, E., Fitzgerald, P., Jackson, S., Wagner, A., & Zittel, C.Self-­‐‐defining memories and the poetics of personality. Presented at the AnnualMeeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July, 1995.Singer, J.A., Sadler, I., & Musicant, J. Personal and cultural implications of memories ofracial/ethnic awareness and prejudice. Presented at the Annual Meeting of theSociety for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Vancouver, BritishColumbia, Canada, July, 1995.Singer, J.A. Seeing one'ʹs self: Locating narrative memory in a framework of personality.Presented as part of a symposium on advances in personality theory at theAnnual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario,Canada, August, 1995.Singer, J.A. Narrative perspectives on romantic love. Invited discussant for asymposium on advances in personality theory at the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1995.Singer, J.A. Integrating cognitive and cultural perspectives on memory. Inviteddiscussant for a symposium on culture and memory and the Bi-­‐‐annual Meetingof the Society for Psychological Anthropology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October,1995.Carlebach, S., & Singer, J.A. Using theater and psychology to teach about prejudice.Presented at the annual meeting of the New England Theater Association,Portland, ME, November, 1995.Singer, J.A. Self-­‐‐defining memories and personality. A colloquium for the Departmentof Psychology, Universidad de las Americas-­‐‐Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, February,1996.Dutton, S., Singer, J.A., & Devlin, A.S. Racial identity of children in integrated versuspredominantly white or black schools. Presented at the Eastern PsychologicalAssociation Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March, 1996.Singer, J.A. Internalizing cultural narratives of addiction. Presented as part of asymposium on Internalization of Culture -­‐‐ Psychological and AnthropologicalPerspectives at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1996.Singer, J.A., Ruiz, P.N., Veliz, F., & Siegel, H. A comparison of national identitybetween college students from Mexico and the United States. An invitedaddress at the 11th Congreso Internacional de Psicologia en la Universidad delas Americas-­‐‐Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, November, 1996.Scerzenie, S., Albert, D.N., & Singer, J.A. The effect of sex differences on self-­‐‐disclosureof self-­‐‐defining memories. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPsychological Society, Washington, DC, May, 1997.Singer, J.A. Chaired "ʺSymposium: Internalizing race, ethnicity, and prejudice:21

Affective and cognitive consequences"ʺ at the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPsychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Singer, J.A., & Musicant, J. Linking memories of ethnicity and antisemitism to jewishidentity. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American PsychologicalAssociation, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Canfield, A.L., Chrisler, J.C., & Singer, J.A. Gender stereotypes and theapists'ʹdiagnosis and treatment of addiction clients. Presented at the Annual Meetingof the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Jackson, S., & Singer, J.A. Generativity in recovering alcoholics. Presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL,August, 1997.Josephson, B., Rose, R., & Singer, J.A. Thought sampling of depressed college studentsafter sad mood induction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPsychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Singer, J.A., Ruiz, P., Siegel, H., Veliz, F., Hay, & Baker, E. Comparison of nationalidentity in Mexican and American undergraduates. Presented at the AnnualMeeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Singer, J.A., & Zittel, C.B. Scoring methods for the structure and content of autobio-­‐graphicalmemories. Presented as part of a symposium on "ʺInvestigations ofAutobiographical Memory"ʺ at the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPsychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 1997.Half, L., Singer, J.A., & MacKinnon, J.R. The relationship among Jewish identity,hostility toward Germany, and knowledge about the holocaust in the UnitedStates and Germany. Presented at the annual meeting of the New EnglandPsychological Association, Stonehill <strong>College</strong>, North Easton, MA, October, 1997.Singer, J.A. Chronic addiction and the struggle for identity. Presented at the ClinicalPsychology Research Lunch, Department of Psychology, Yale University, NewHaven, CT, November, 1997.Singer, J.A., Albert, D., Lally, R., Lizotte, M., & Scerzenie, S. Gender and self-­‐‐disclosureof self-­‐‐defining memories: Agentic and communal themes. Presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA,August, 1998.Singer, J.A., Lally, R., & Lizotte, M. Integrating consciousness, personality, and clinicalresearch: Honoring Jerome L. Singer. Presented at the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 1998.Weinberger, A., Chrisler, J.C., & Singer, J.A. Alcohol expectancies and interpersonalexperiences of college students. Presented at the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 1998.Singer, J.A. Keynote Speaker for Alcohol and Drug Recovery Center'ʹs 25thAnniversary, Hartford, CT, October, 1998.Singer, J.A. Telling your life story: The benefits for your physical and22

psychological well-­‐‐being. Invited lecture for the <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong> AlumniAssociation of Florida and the Department of Psychology, Florida Gulf CoastUniversity, Naples, FL, March, 1999.Singer, J.A. The challenges and benefits of group projects. Presented as part of asymposium, “Teaching undergraduate psychology: Issues andinnovations,” at the Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting,Providence, RI, April, 1999.Singer, J.A. A workshop on career paths and graduate schools in psychology.Presented as part of a symposium, “Increasing the effectiveness andefficiency of advising,” at the Eastern Psychological Association AnnualMeeting, Providence, RI, April, 1999.Singer, J.A. A personological model of memory: Integrating personality andautobiographical memory research. Invited colloquium at the Departmentof Psychology, Wellesley <strong>College</strong>, Wellesley, MA, April, 1999.Singer, J.A. An integrative framework for personality and memory. Invitedtalk for the Clinical Psychology Research Lunch, Department ofPsychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April, 1999.Singer, J.A., & Lally, R. The effects of stress and depression on memory specificity.Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Applied Research onMemory and Cognition (S.A.R.M.A.C.), Boulder, CO, July, 1999.Voronov, M., & Singer, J.A. Rethinking filial piety. Presented at the annualmeeting of the International Council of Psychologists, Salem, MA, August, 1999.Moraitis, I., & Singer, J.A. Agency, communion and acculturation in threegenerations of Greek-­‐‐Americans. Presented at the annual meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 1999.Singer, J.A. Integrating life review and autobiographical memory research(Discussion) for symposium entitled, “Thinking about life – Fromautobiographical memory to the life story,” presented at the annual meetingof the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 1999.Singer, J.A. Chair of symposium for Personality Pre-­‐‐conference entitled,“Memory and personality: Breaking new ground in content, context, andfunction,” January, 2000.Singer, J.A. Cultural and functional aspects of autobiographical memories.Paper presented as part of “Autobiographical memory and personality: Breakingnew ground in content, context, and function.” Personality pre-­‐‐conference at the1 st annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology,Nashville, TN, February, 2000.Voronov, M., & Singer, J. A. Rethinking filial piety. Presented at the1 st annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology,Nashville, TN, February, 2000.Wolf, J., & Singer, J.A. Presented poster “Substance abuse and ADHD in homeless23

men”, at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association inBaltimore, MD, March, 2000.Singer, J. A., & Shimada, Y. Interdisciplinary centers and the psychology major.Presented as part of a symposium on “Enhancing the Psychology Major,” at theannual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD, March,2000.Singer, J. A. Identity and addiction. Colloquium presented at Departmentof Psychology, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, April, 2000.Singer, J. A. Living in and out of the amber cloud: A life story analysis of aheroin addict. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society forPersonology, Chicago, Illinois, June, 2000.Singer, J. A., & Blagov, P. A scoring manual for autobiographicalmemories. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research on Memory andCognition. Miami Beach, FL, June, 2000.Blagov, J. A., & Singer, J. A. Relationships between identity and social-­‐emotionalmaturity: Self-­‐‐defining memories, self-­‐‐concept clarity and self-­‐restraint.Paper presented at the New England Psychological Association,Lewiston, ME, October, 2000.Singer, J. A. The integrative function of narrative processing: Autobiographicalmemory: Self-­‐‐defining memories and the life story of identity. Paper presentedat Memory and Self Symposium, Department of Psychology, University ofArkansas-­‐‐ Fayetteville, AK, November, 2000.King, L. A., Singer, J. A., & Green, M. C. Rising to the occasion narratives: A proposedresearch program. Presented at the 3 rd annual meeting of Positive PsychologyResearch Network, Akumal, Mexico, January, 2001.Chin, K., & Singer, J. A. The effects of multiple administrations of self-­‐definingmemories. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society forPersonality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX, February, 2001.Melchiori, P., & Singer, J. A. The functions of autobiographicalmemory in personality: A diary study. Presented at the annual meeting of theSociety for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX, February, 2001.Singer, J. A. The integrative functions of autobiographical memory. Colloquiumpresented for the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers’ <strong>College</strong>, ColumbiaUniversity, April, 2001.Singer, J. A. Discussant for panel on narrative analysis. Annual meeting ofthe Society for Personology, Wellesley <strong>College</strong>, Wellesley, MA, June, 2001.Singer, J. A. Examining the integrative function of self-­‐‐defining memories. Paperpresented in a symposium entitled, “Advances in autobiographical memory:Implications for personality and developmental psychology.” Presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA,August, 2001.24

Pryzgoda, J., & Singer, J. A. Meaning in life, goal-­‐‐oriented rumination, and well-­‐‐being.Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, SanFrancisco, CA, August, 2001.Singer, J. A., & Zakriski, A. Service learning innovations in teaching psychology.Presented at the Yale University Conference on Preparing Future Faculty,Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, November, 2001.Singer, J. A., Green, M. C., King, L., A., & Barr, S. C. “Rising to the occasion narrativesand generativity in community action interns. Presented at the annual meetingof the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Savannah, Georgia, Feb.,2002.Sutlety, K., & Singer, J. A. Coping and self-­‐‐esteem in college students with mentally illrelatives. Presented at the annual meeting of the American PsychologicalAssociation, Chicago, Illinois, August, 2002.Sutley, K. D., & Singer, J. A. Coping and self-­‐‐esteem in college students with mentallyill relatives. Presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern PsychologicalAssociation, Baltimore, MD, April 2003.Patterson, C., & Singer, J. A. Exploring the mental and physical health benefits ofexpectancies in written self-­‐‐disclosure. Presented at the annual meeting of theAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT), Boston, MA,November, 2003.Singer, J. A. Chair – Invited Address: Henry A. Murray Award (to David Winter).Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada,August 2003.Singer, J. A., & Blagov, P. Self-­‐‐defining memories: The link between memory andmeaning in psychotherapy. Presented as part of a symposium on “NarrativeExpression and Psychotherapeutic Change.” Annual meeting of the AmericanPsychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 2003.Singer, J. A. Narrative memory as an expression of a couple’s emotional life. Presentedas part of a symposium on “Narrative Structure of Emotional Life.” Annualmeeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August,2003.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories: Their function and form. Invited colloquium,Department of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, England, November,2003.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories: Research and clinical applications. Invitedcolloquium, Newcastle Cognitive-­‐‐Behavioral Centre, Newcastle, England,December, 2003.Singer, J. A., King, L. A., Green, M., & Rexhaj, B. Rising to the occasion and letting go:The development of a personal growth scale. Presented at the 5 th annual meetingof the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, Texas, January,2004.25

Kirby, L., & Singer, J. A. Selling meaning: The use of agentic and communal appeals inadvertisements. Presented at the 5 th annual meeting of the Society for Personalityand Social Psychology, Austin, Texas, January, 2004.Vergnani, M., Mehm, J., & Singer, J. Unique associations of paternal attachment in lateadolescence. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington,DC, March, 2004.Hayden, J., Singer, J. A., & Chrisler, J. The transmission of birth stories from mother todaughter: Mother-­‐‐daughter attachment, self-­‐‐esteem and attitudes towardchildbirth. Presented at the annual meeting of the New England PsychologicalAssociation, Providence, RI, October, 2004.Singer, J. A. Memory and emotion in psychotherapy. Invited paper presented at the 6 thannual Tsukuba International Conference on Memory: Memory and Emotion.Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan, March, 2005.Baddeley, J. L., Singer, J. A., Green, M., & King, L. A. Measuring personal growththrough self-­‐‐report and autobiographical memories. Presented at the annualmeeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C, August2005.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. Charting the life story’s path: Narrative identity acrossthe life span. Presented at the International Reminiscence and Life ReviewConference, Orlando, FL, November, 2005.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. “Sorry for your loss”: Bereavement narratives and theirfunctions. Presented at the International Reminiscence and Life ReviewConference, Orlando, FL, November, 2005.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. Why do people talk about loss? Big Five personalitycorrelates of narratives of bereavement.Poster presentation at the Association forResearch in Personality Conference, Palm Springs, CA, January, 2006.Rexhaj, B., Singer, J. A., & Baddeley, J. L. Comparing the self-­‐‐defining memories ofolder adults and college students. Poster presentation at the annual meeting ofthe Association for Research in Personality Conference, Palm Springs, CA,January, 2006.Katz, J. S., & Singer, J. A. Spirituality and well-­‐‐being: A comparison between youngerand older individuals. Poster presentation at the American Association forGeriatric Psychiatry'ʹs annual meeting, San Juan, PR, March, 2006.Baddeley, J. L., & Singer, J. A. Bereaved mothers: A narrative identity perspective.Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology,Ypsilanti, MI, April, 2006.Singer, J. A. Narrative memory in personality and psychotherapy: Building on thelegacy of Theodore Sarbin. Invited Address for Division 24 (Society forTheoretical and Philosophical Psychology), presented at the annual meeting ofthe American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 2006.26

Singer, J.A., Memory and emotion in personality and psychotherapy. Invitedcolloquium, Department of Psychology, Smith <strong>College</strong>, November, 2006.Singer, J. A., & Baddeley, J. L. Narrative memory and the relational self. Paperpresented in a symposium on memory and the self for the Pre-­‐‐Conference on Selfand Identity at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and SocialPsychology, January 2007.Singer, J.A., Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and social interaction. Invited talk tothe Department of Personality and Social Psychology, City University of NewYork Graduate Center, March, 2007.Singer, J. A., Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Invited talk tothe Clinical Psychology Program, University of Rhode Island, April, 2007.Baddeley, J. L., Benedetto, K., Pruzinsky, T., Frantsve, L., & Singer, J. Contributions ofanxiety and defensiveness to perceived health and behaviors. Presented at theannual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA,August, 2007.Labunko Messier, B., Singer, J. A., Alea, N., Baddeley, J., Vick, S. C., & Sanders, R. R.,Investigation of correspondence between Partners Apperception Test andMarital-­‐‐Engagement-­‐‐Type of Union Scale. Presented at the annual meeting ofthe New England Psychological Association, Western <strong>Connecticut</strong> StateUniversity, Danbury, CT, October, 2007.Singer, J. A., Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Invitedcolloquium to the Department of Psychology, Randolph-­‐‐Macon <strong>College</strong>,Ashland, VA, November, 2007.Singer, J. A., Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Invited talk tothe clinical psychology and autobiographical memory research group.Department of Psychology, Oxford University, Oxford, England, March, 2008.Singer, J. A. A social interactional model of bereavement narrative disclosure. Invitedtalk to the Leeds Memory Group, Department of Psychological Sciences,University of Leeds, Leeds, England, March 2008.Singer, J. A. The Implicit Association Test and prejudice. Presented to the Race MattersDiscussion Series, West Hartford Public Library, April, 2008.Labunko-­‐‐Messier, B., Singer, J.A., & Alea, N. Measuring relationship mutuality:Development of Marital Engagement-­‐‐Type of Union Scale and PartnersApperception Test. Presented at International Relationship Research Conference,Providence, RI, July 2008.Singer, J. A. Exploration of autobiographical memory and clinical psychology.Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,Boston, MA, August, 2008.Singer, J. A., Conway, M. A., & Underwood, A. Content of self-­‐‐defining memories inthe BBC adult sample. Presented at the annual meeting of the AmericanPsychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 2008.27

Preston, J., & Singer, J. A. Understanding attitudes toward psychology: A comparisonof the United States and Germany. Presented at the annual meeting of the NewEngland Psychological Association, Springfield, MA, October, 2008.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Colloquium forthe Psychology Department, Amherst <strong>College</strong>, December, 2008.Singer, J. A. What is the We?: Clinical and experimental investigations of mutuality.Presented at the Social Psychology Lunch, Department of Psychology, YaleUniversity, December, 2008.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Invited talk forthe Clinical Psychology Program, University of <strong>Connecticut</strong>, Storrs, CT, March,2009.Hauser, L., & Singer, J. A. Comparing Barack Obama’s and John McCain’s motiveprofiles from campaign speeches. Presented in a panel on the personality ofBarack Obama for the Annual Meeting of the Society of Personology, Milwaukee,WI, June, 2009.Hauser, L., & Singer, J.A. Comparing Barack Obama’s and John McCain’s motiveprofiles from campaign speeches. Presented as part of a Symposium onInvestigating the Personality of President Barack Obama, Annual Meeting of theAssociation for Research in Personality, Evanston, IL, July, 2009.Singer, J. A. Finding a balance: The life of a professor of clinical psychology at a liberalarts college. Presented as part of a panel on careers in clinical psychology for theClinical Psychology Lunch, Department of Psychology, Yale University,February, 2010.Singer, J. A., Labunko Messier, B., Curtiss, C., Nugent, J., Falk, A., Lamer, S., Zaveri, A.,& Murstein, B. Causal sex and attachment styles among college students.Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science.Boston, May, 2010.Singer, J. A. Discussant, Susan Bluck paper on “Functions of AutobiographicalMemory,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Personology, June, 2010.Singer, J. A. Memory, personality, psychotherapy, and literature. Faculty at Work Series,<strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>, New London, CT, February, 2011.Singer, J. A. Memory and narrative identity. Paper presented at the Memory acrossDisciplines Conference, <strong>Connecticut</strong> <strong>College</strong>, New London, CT, February, 2011.Singer, J.A. Self-­‐‐defining memories in personality and psychotherapy. Invited talk tothe Mind, Brain, Culture, and Consciousness Working Group, WhitneyHumanities Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April, 2011.Wallace, S., & Singer, J. A. When I paint my masterpiece: Paper presented at the 7 thAnnual Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois – Urbana-­‐‐Champaign, Urbana-­‐‐ Champaign Illinois, May, 2011.28

Singer, J. A. Memory, personality and psychotherapy: Twenty years of self-­‐‐definingmemories. The Henry Murray Address. Presented at the AmericanPsychological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2011.Berry, M., & Singer, J.A. Perceptions of PTSD. A layman’s perspective. Presented at theannual meeting of the New England Psychological Association, FairfieldUniversity, Fairfield, CT, October, 2011.Fischel, E., & Singer, J.A. Perceptions of rigidity among religious groups. Presented atthe annual meeting of the New England Psychological Association, FairfieldUniversity, Fairfield, CT, October, 2011.Gover, M., & Singer, J. A. The role of rumination in the function, content, and affectivequality of self-­‐‐defining memories. Presented at the annual meeting of the NewEngland Psychological Association. Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, October,2011.Preer, L., & Singer, J. A. Effects of mindfulness training on stress, mood, and coping incollege students. Presented at the annual meeting of the New EnglandPsychological Association. Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, October, 2011.Weeks, A., & Singer, J. A. Rejection sensitivity, attachment styles, and autobiographicalmemories. Presented at the annual meeting of the New England PsychologicalAssociation. Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, October, 2011.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories, narrative scripts, and psychotherapy. Invitedcolloquium to the Psychoanalytic Externship Program, Institute forPsychoanalytic Training and Research, New York City, NY, February, 2012.Baddeley, J., Singer, J. A., Barry, M., Nobel, A., & Pennebaker, J. W. The “we” andmarital satisfaction in army couples reuniting after deployment. Presented at theannual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Montreal,Canada, May, 2012.Blagov, P., Singer, J. A., Oost, K., & McKay, C. Personality correlates of specificity,meaning-­‐‐making and affect in self-­‐‐defining memories. Presented at the ClinicalPerspectives on Autobiographical Memory Conference, Center onAutobiographical Memory Research Centre, Aarhus University, Aarhus,Denmark, June, 2012.Singer, J. A. Discussant for “Anatomy of soul beliefs,” paper delivered by Dan Ogilvie,Society of Personology Annual Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,June 2012.Green, B., & Singer, J. A. ‘The bonds of friendship’: An exploration of men’s friendshipsbetween gay and heterosexual athletes. Presented at the annual meeting of theNew England Psychological Association, October, 2012.Kasmark, A., Singer, J. A., Blagov, P., & Oost, K. Depression and images of fathers inself-­‐‐defining memories. Presented at the annual meeting of the New EnglandPsychological Association, October, 2012.29

Berry, M. M., & Singer, J. A. Comparing layperson and clinician perceptions of PTSD:The influence of media. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association forPsychological Science, Washington DC, May, 2013.Singer, J. A. Self-­‐‐defining memories: Their role in self-­‐‐understanding andpsychotherapy. Whitney Center Residential Community, Hamden, CT, October,2013.Singer, J. A., Castagna, P., & Gildersleeve, S., Self-­‐‐defining memories, scripts, and thelife story: Narrative identity and translational research in personality,psychopathology, and psychotherapy. Invited address at Neurex Conference onThe self: From autobiographical memories to the life story. University ofStrasbourg, Strasbourg, France, January, 2014.Updated 1/1430

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