1970 - Virginia Tech

1970 - Virginia Tech

1970 - Virginia Tech


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1969-70, the "Waitl e69-70 .. a. a .1.an.ge yaa. 10. Vl'glnla T"h easketball;It .. as tile lirst lotJng _ In MlMn ~ea,,;it .... tile Mason 01 the "wall unt,1 ..... 1 yta," team,Tile Ma.on gol off 10 a dismal SIan " ,Ih only one winand livo lOsses In December. JtlnUafy .... u a litlle botle,with II,.. .. ins and lour loaM •. f eb,ua' y saw love winslind Ihree los ... 10 conclude the .. ason at II and 12.wtral ..... s 11" big lurnabout In January? wtrat mldethe GObbla,. .. In? Tile afllWer to bolh 01 IhoM queslionsII tile ..... alt until MlC t ytar" loam. Al", Decembef,Coach Shannon made a lew chatlQO$ in hil hneup.... hieh II~ a team 01 all underclassmtn. Thestar ters became lophomore Charlle lipscomb IIcenler. SOphomore Tom Trice atlo,wlld. Junior WayneLOCken al lorward, aophomo'e Bdl McNeer at OUa.d,and Junlot Loyd Ki"ll at guard.The "w all until nexl yeoa'" team Imp'O\'ed u the_Ion progratled . Tiley opened January with live.... ins In 11Iel. Ii," .... gil"'" evening the Gobblerrecord at 6 and II .... 'th an Imprassi .... 91·7. COhseum.... 'n over Eutern Kentucky. Tl>en the tragic road tripIOUth killed the Gobblers with 10S$Itt at Clemson.SOUth carolina, Ind florida State makl"ll tlla r&Cord6 and 9 al tile end 01 January. Thi, Ippel.1'd to bethe end 01 lila Hokies.A new mon th brought lOme new lIIe 10f Ihe Tee/'!.men .. Fabrulry op&rIed ... ah a hard·lought 7&-75 ... Inovar WOSI <strong>Virginia</strong> in ChllllOStOn. Theon came a hear'­breakl"ll 73-66 overtime lou 10 nationally·rlnk&dOI"';dloOl1 In a home glme. In OUl.18ndl"11 102.e.lhome ... In over LOYOla, In 8().71 exhibition win ove,the Athlet" in Action, and a ~7a !'lOme upsel winova. the Oea~ 01 Wake forest Now IMr Gobblersware.' to and 10, . winn ing soa.on was stili pOHlbte.

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