Lai-san Kwok and Eileen Mary Hastings - Hong Kong Institute of ...

Lai-san Kwok and Eileen Mary Hastings - Hong Kong Institute of ...

Lai-san Kwok and Eileen Mary Hastings - Hong Kong Institute of ...


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<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Real Estate Agency Industry:Survey on Important Marketing Factors <strong>and</strong> Br<strong>and</strong>ing Attributes in light <strong>of</strong> Service Intangibilityaround that area. Therefore, they are usuallylocated in the shopping mall <strong>of</strong> residential areaor industrial area.“Physical evidence” is one <strong>of</strong> the important factorin 7Ps as it has a pr<strong>of</strong>ound effect on theimpressions customers form about the quality <strong>of</strong>the service they received. However, it is foundin this study that “technology <strong>and</strong> facilities” as akind <strong>of</strong> physical evidence is not very importantas compare to other factors. It shows that“physical evidence” is not as important as otherPs <strong>and</strong> reputation in the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> real estateagency industry.Apart from 7Ps, Zeithaml suggests in Dodds,Monroe <strong>and</strong> Grewal (1991)“External cues <strong>of</strong> price, br<strong>and</strong> name <strong>and</strong> storename are three cues that influence perceptions<strong>of</strong> product quality <strong>and</strong> value, <strong>and</strong> hencewillingness to buy.”Yet it is found in this study that br<strong>and</strong> name ismore important than price. In Questionnaire 1,“reputation” has a higher ranking than “price”<strong>and</strong> in the Questionnaire 2, respondentperceived “br<strong>and</strong> name” as a better indicator<strong>of</strong> service quality than “price”.It is found that 39% <strong>of</strong> the respondents havecompany logos which fulfill the basic requirementbr<strong>and</strong>ing. Br<strong>and</strong>ing is utilized in the real estateagency industry especially for some large scalecompany. Br<strong>and</strong>ed real estate agency companyperceived br<strong>and</strong>ing strategy to be very importantto their business marketing. It agreed with Carson<strong>and</strong> Ruston (1989)“A service has no physical appearance... It isusually base on creating an appropriate imagefor provider <strong>of</strong> service... This image can beviewed as br<strong>and</strong> image <strong>of</strong> the company.”Real estate industry is a service provision industry.Therefore br<strong>and</strong>ing can assist in reducing theintangibility <strong>of</strong> service. This is generally agreedamong respondents.Customers are not buying a service br<strong>and</strong>. Theybuy benefits instead. Therefore br<strong>and</strong>ing mustserve to communicate the benefits provided bythe service to the customers. It is strongly agreedamong respondents that a br<strong>and</strong> name cantranslates attributes into functional or emotionalbenefits. Therefore a real estate agency servicebr<strong>and</strong> should give a collected perception <strong>of</strong>benefits to the customer. Keller (1998) suggeststhat“Br<strong>and</strong>s provide a shorth<strong>and</strong> device or means<strong>of</strong> simplification for their product decision.”The respondents in this study strongly agreedthis statement. Consumers simplify informationprocess by forming subjective judgment or beliefsabout br<strong>and</strong>s. A br<strong>and</strong>’s subjective judgmentsare the perceived positions <strong>of</strong> the br<strong>and</strong> in theperceptual product attributes space. Therefore,evaluation on the service benefits is based onthe br<strong>and</strong>ing attributes communicated to thecustomers.An effective way to make br<strong>and</strong>ing tangible isto use as many physical elements as possiblee.g. employees, buildings, physical facilities etc.However it is found from the study that it is notthe case for the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> real estate agencyindustry. Br<strong>and</strong>ing attributes which is physical innature such as “technology” <strong>and</strong> “good customerservice” are ranked lower than those intangiblein nature like “quality” <strong>and</strong> “reputation”.“Technology” <strong>and</strong> “good customer service” areserved to support the service instead <strong>of</strong> beingthe core <strong>of</strong> br<strong>and</strong>ing. Respondents also agreedon this point as they perceived “service” as themost important marketing factor category. Thecore <strong>of</strong> the br<strong>and</strong>ing is “service”. Therefore theservice itself has to be <strong>of</strong> high quality <strong>and</strong> suitthe need <strong>of</strong> customers. Otherwise marketingcannot achieve anything no matter how well theplan is. It is true for the real estate agencyindustry. Agency has to provide tailor made <strong>and</strong>high quality service to customers. Without thesetwo br<strong>and</strong>ing attributes, a br<strong>and</strong> cannot last long.Additional premium can never be charged <strong>and</strong>reputation can never be built.SBE30

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