Colour booklet

Colour booklet

Colour booklet


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colourIll. 43The saturation of the foreground and background is increasingly reduced from front toback. The corner behind the subject is furthest away and hence the most unsaturated.At the same time the angle at which the light falls has also be taken into account. Thelight comes from top right and apart from on the subject, falls mainly on the area to theleft of it. This causes a greater contrast in brightness between the cast shadow and theground. The cast shadow is the link between form and the ground. The use of the propertiesof colours helps to determine the space for the object casting the shadow. Thecolour of the cast shadow has been made slightly lighter and unsaturated towards theback so that the shadow follows the spatialprogression of the ground.The saturation of the blue areas has been reducedsomewhat towards the back and the colour of thelighter areas at the front has been made more yellow,and the blue of the dark area at the front darker.The foremost point now has a great contrast inbrightness and more warmth, and hence stands outmore. The block itself is now more spatial andstands out from the background.[ 43]Ill. 44The suggestion of space through properties ofcolours always works. If the properties are used in away that runs precisely counter to form perspectiveevery spatial drawing can be turned into arepresentation without the suggestion of space.In the illustration all the steps described above havebeen used in reverse.[ 44]pagen 29

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