Introduction - CEDAW Southeast Asia

Introduction - CEDAW Southeast Asia

Introduction - CEDAW Southeast Asia

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Capacity building and trainingThis refers to an integrated system of activities involving training, mentoring inapplication, evaluation and refinement of knowledge and operational skills on<strong>CEDAW</strong> and its Optional Protocol. This aims to develop a pool of <strong>CEDAW</strong> expertsamong selected state organs, women’s NGOs, academe, mass media and othercivil society partners.Research and advocacyThe programme supported the legal review and gender analysis of selected lawsusing the <strong>CEDAW</strong> substantive equality framework, to identify discriminatoryprovisions to be amended. Consultation workshops were held in key cities ofthe country to draft the Magna Carta for Women which introduces the principleof non-discrimination and applies such in comprehensive ways to economic,political and socio-cultural areas of Philippine society.<strong>CEDAW</strong> monitoring & reportingThe programme provides technical support for the development andimplementation of a government coordination system for <strong>CEDAW</strong> monitoring andreporting. This includes the preparation of the <strong>CEDAW</strong> official report by governmentand the shadow report by women’s NGOs as well as the implementation of theConcluding Comments in between the reporting cycle.Technical assistanceThis involves support for the incorporation of <strong>CEDAW</strong> in key national documentsand policies. It includes mentoring the technical staff of legislators and justices inthe drafting of legislative bills and court decisions. A <strong>CEDAW</strong> Watch network wasorganized to be a pool of experts and advocates to sustain peer mentoring.Partnership building and networkingThe programme works with partners at various levels. At the donor level, technicalinputs are provided to integrate <strong>CEDAW</strong> in development programming of theUnited Nations Gender Mainstreaming Committee (UN-GMC) and the OfficialDevelopment Assistance Gender and Development (ODA-GAD) Network. At theadvocacy level, support is given to a multi-sectoral <strong>CEDAW</strong> Watch network forpeer mentoring and advocacy. At the programme management level, periodicconsultations are held with programme implementing partners and the CountryConsultative Committee to catalyze programme development. These partnersput in counterpart resources and activities to support <strong>CEDAW</strong> advocacy andimplementation.xx

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