Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...


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<strong>Statistical</strong> Mechanics <strong>of</strong> Neocortical ... - 23 - <strong>Lester</strong> IngberFigures 1-6Similar results are seen for other subjects. A compressed tarfile <strong>of</strong> additonal results for 10 control and 10alcoholic subjects, using the training data and the testing data, including tables <strong>of</strong> ASA-fitted parametersand 60 files containing 240 PostScript graphs, can be retrieved via WWW fromhttp://www.ingber.com/MISC.DIR/smni97_eeg_cmi.tar.Z, or as file smni96_eeg_cmi.tar.Z via FTP fromftp.ingber.com in the MISC.DIR directory.After the above training-testing methodology is applied to more subjects, it will then be possible toperform additional statistical analyses to seek more abbreviated measures <strong>of</strong> differences betweenalcoholic and control groups across the 3 experimental paradigms.4.5. Availability <strong>of</strong> Codes and DataThe ASA code can be downloaded at no charge from http://www.ingber.com/ under WWW or fromftp://ftp.ingber.com under FTP. A mirror site for the home page is http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/˜ingber/under WWW.This ASA applications to EEG analysis is one <strong>of</strong> several ASA applications being prepared for the SPEC(Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) CPU98 suite. The goal <strong>of</strong> the program is to elicitbenchmarks representing important applications in various technical fields. When SPEC publishes itsCDROM, the SMNI CMI codes will be included.It is extremely difficult for modelers <strong>of</strong> nonlinear time series, and EEG systems in particular, to get accessto large sets <strong>of</strong> raw clean data. The data used for this study is now publicly available, as described inhttp://www.ingber.com/smni_eeg_data.html under WWW orftp://ftp.ingber.com/MISC.DIR/smni_eeg_data.txt under FTP. Data is being provided as is, and may bedeleted without notice, or moved to other archives with the only notice given in that file. There are11,075 typical gzip’d files in the 122 tar’d directories; each file is about 65K. The entire set <strong>of</strong> data isabout 700 MBytes in this compressed format. For convenience, there are subsets <strong>of</strong> data available thatwere used for this study.

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