Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...


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<strong>Statistical</strong> Mechanics <strong>of</strong> Neocortical ... - 31 - <strong>Lester</strong> Ingbery i ∈[−1, 1] .(A.2)The generating function g T (y) is defined,Πg T (y) = Di=112(|y i | + T i ) ln(1 + 1/T i ) ≡ Π DgT i (y i ) ,i=1(A.3)where the subscript i on T i specifies the parameter index, and the k-dependence in T i (k) for the annealingschedule has been dropped for brevity. Its cumulative probability distribution isy 1 y DG T (y) =∫ ... ∫ dy′1 ...dy′ D g T (y′) ≡Π DGT i (y i ),−1−1i=1G i T (y i ) = 1 2 + sgn (yi )2ln(1 + |y i |/T i )ln(1 + 1/T i ). (A.4)y i is generated from a u i from the uniform distributionu i ∈U[0, 1] ,y i = sgn (u i − 1 2 )T i[(1 + 1/T i ) |2ui −1| − 1] .(A.5)It is straightforward to calculate that for an annealing schedule for T iT i (k) = T 0i exp(−c i k 1/D ) ,(A.6)a global minima statistically can be obtained. I.e.,∞Σ g k ≈Σ ∞ [ Π D 1k 0 k 0 i=1 2|y i ] 1 |c i k = ∞ . (A.7)Control can be taken over c i , such thatT fi = T 0i exp(−m i ) when k f = exp n i ,c i = m i exp(−n i /D) ,(A.8)where m i and n i can be considered “free” parameters to help tune ASA for specific problems.

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