Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...

Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions - Lester Ingber's ...


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<strong>Statistical</strong> Mechanics <strong>of</strong> Neocortical ... - 25 - <strong>Lester</strong> Ingber5.2. Approaches to Source LocalizationAs described above, SMNI stresses that is natural to describe regional macroscopic dynamics in terms <strong>of</strong>mesocolumnar <strong>interactions</strong>, i.e., a true “field” <strong>of</strong> firings is developed, which has been mathematicallyarticulated in the SMNI papers as defining the regional propagator in the path integral D ˜M over thespace-time volume dx − dt <strong>of</strong> the brain, in terms <strong>of</strong> the Lagrangian L each volume point. The spacevolume dx is where the head shape explicitly enters the calculation. For example, fitting L to actual datamight require discretization at electrode sites, as performed in this study, where actually the cost functionin terms <strong>of</strong> L to be fit contains the volume elements in dx. If a 3-D fit were being done, then dx would bethe head volume; if a 2-D surface fit were being done, dx would be the head/brain surface. In practice,we must rely on other methods, e.g., MRI, to determine the head shape to articulate the shape spanned bydx. A higher resolution algorithm, at the level <strong>of</strong> minicolumns, shows how short-ranged as well as longranged<strong>interactions</strong> among mesocolumns within and between regions can be naturally included in theSMNI theory [14].Such fits can be performed after other source localization techniques are applied to the data, e.g., headvolumeor Laplacian techniques. This still is very important, as identification <strong>of</strong> source(s), especiallythose that may be nonstationary, is not sufficient to describe their dynamical interaction. The fitted SMNIdynamics then can provide the dynamical description to predict future evolution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>interactions</strong> amongsources, e.g., to fill in gaps in data that might aid correlation with behavioral states.The SMNI dynamics can more directly be part <strong>of</strong> source localization algorithms. For example, if M/dt isidentified as the the mesocolumnar current (M is essentially the number <strong>of</strong> neuronal firings within thetime τ <strong>of</strong> about 5 msec; dt is the time resolution <strong>of</strong> the EEG, typically on this order or somewhat less),then we can identify M = B∇ 2 Φ, where ∇ 2 is the Laplacian and B is a constant included in the fit, similarto the relationship between M and Φ in this present project. Then, the Laplacian <strong>of</strong> Φ would be input intothe SMNI action A, and the parameters <strong>of</strong> the model would be fit as performed here. The ASA globaloptimization <strong>of</strong> the highly nonlinear SMNI finds the best fit among the combined local-global <strong>interactions</strong>algebraically described in the SMNI action A. The “curvatures” (second derivatives) <strong>of</strong> the parametersabout the global minimum, automatically returned by ASA, give a covariance matrix <strong>of</strong> the goodness <strong>of</strong>fit about the global minimum.

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