Getting a Loan - The Homer Fund

Getting a Loan - The Homer Fund

Getting a Loan - The Homer Fund

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SELF-ASSESSMENT 41. To complete a loan application, you will need to provide (check all that apply):❏ a. the loan purpose.❏ b. your name and Social Security number.❏ c. copies of your income tax returns for the last two years.How did you do?: 1.a,b,cStudy ObjectivesUnderline/highlight theanswers to these questionsas you read:1. What is the purpose ofthe credit interview?2. What is credit scoring?3. What are commonreasons for credit denials?4. What are some ways towork toward getting aloan?Credit InterviewAfter you complete a loan application, you will go through aninterview with a loan officer. It is the loan officer’s job to reviewthe loan application with you and be sure that it is complete. <strong>The</strong>loan officer will probably ask you some specific questions aboutyour loan request. For example, the officer will want to knowhow you will use the money. It is the loan officer’s responsibilityto establish that the loan will be used for a legal purpose. Becooperative and provide all of the information requested.Credit ScoringMany lenders use computer models to evaluate loan applications and give them a creditscore. A credit score is used to predict how likely an individual is to repay a new loanbased on the financial institution’s experience with millions of consumers. <strong>The</strong>re aremany different computer models used to calculate a credit score. In general, however,the computer model assigns points to information in a credit report. For example, makingpayments on time every month is a positive credit score. Regularly charging themaximum amount available on a credit card is negative. <strong>The</strong> computer adds the positiveand negative points, and the resulting number is a credit score. Each lender decideswhat credit score range it considers to be a good or poor risk.16Creditors use credit scoring because it is a fast, objective way to evaluate a credit report.Credit scoring also protects you. This is because your age, health, race, religion, gender,national origin, marital status, income, and employment are not considered in determiningyour credit score.

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