2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas

2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas

2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas


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Corporate social responsibilityMeeting stakeholderexpectationsThe Group has strengthened its organization and developed initiatives to foster closeand constructive relationships with its key stakeholders.Authorities and regulatorsMany services require local, regional or globallicences to operate, issued by public authoritiesor professional organizations as well as regularauthorization renewal. Each <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong>business has a department to handle relationshipswith authorities and regulators. In <strong>2010</strong>, wereinforced our corporate Technical, Qualityand Risk Management (TQR) function in chargeof maintaining and expanding the Group’s portfolioof accreditations.Financial community<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> is committed to providing investorsand the financial community with full, frequentinformation on the Group’s businesses, strategyand prospects. In <strong>2010</strong>, our top managementmet with over 400 investors in France, the UK,the US, Switzerland, Italy and Germany.All Group publications, including press releases,financial reports and regulatory information,are available on the Group’s website.34

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