2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas

2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas

2010 Activity Report - Bureau Veritas


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Corporate social responsibilityProtecting health & safetyProviding and maintaining a safe working environment for our employees is a top priority.Our objective is zero accidents. Health & safety is also the responsibility of every employee.We have embedded our Health, Safety and Environment(HSE) policy, management and organization at everylevel in the Group to ensure all our staff have theknowledge and information required to perform theirduties safely. Our HSE induction program, whichgives new employees a basic understandingof HSE issues, is bolstered by regular communicationand specific improvement programs.Driving awarenessThe majority of our employees regularly drive to andfrom client sites. This was the primary cause of losttime incidents in <strong>2010</strong> across the Group. Our DrivingAwareness program, implemented more than twoyears ago, benefited 2,227 employees in <strong>2010</strong>.The program includes driver assessment, training,vehicle maintenance and other actions to promotesafe driving. Our data shows that the number ofdriving-related accidents decreased in locationswhere Driving Awareness was introduced. Theprogram will be extended in 2011 to include allcountries with more than 50 employees required todrive for business reasons.40

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