Some responses - Web Physics

Some responses - Web Physics

Some responses - Web Physics


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6. For a larger class (say 25+), how much time is really required to read students' free<strong>responses</strong> in enough depth to gauge their knowledge?I have 80 to 100 students. One of my colleagues who uses JiTT in math has >300! It takesno more than 15 seconds per response. See the answer to #1, above, for a strategy. Alsonote, you do not need to review all of them before class. I “sample” before class, to getthe sense of what adjustments need to be made, and to select quotes I will use in class.Grading can be done later.7. Have you developed any special techniques to get students into the habit of doing theassignments?It is critical that students know when assignments are coming. I have warmups due M, Wand problem sets due T, R. Always at the same time of day. I strongly recommend againstassignments that come and go at random.8. What about bright students or students with strong science backgrounds?Good warmup questions are open-ended, and provoke thinking. My best students oftenfind them more interesting than the problem sets.9. It would have been nice to know the context of why we are thinking about JiTT inparticular and not some other teaching method.JiTT is not the only way to improve a class! You will learn about many other methods atthe workshop. JiTT just happenens to be the one that is most focused on pre-classpreparation, and I believe I should “practice what I preach.”10. I teach at 8 am and 10 am (with up to 40 students in each), and need to set up all thedemos etc.If I had this schedule, I would make the warmups due the previous evening. JiTT is veryflexible, and issues like timing are up to you. Make whatever choices you think are bestbased on your needs and those of your students.11. I'd like to know what has been the experience so far for the people that are already usingJiTT. What has been the reaction from the students?Most faculty like JiTT, though there is an adjustment period needed to adopt any methodyou did not experience as a student. Students, too, generally like JiTT, but they do requirean explanation (see #2).12. The aspect of this method that is most unclear to me is how, specifically, one can plan fora class with enough flexibility to change things around at the last minute.I usually do not change much, just the amount of time I spend on one topic vs. another. Imight drop an example in one section, and add an example in another. Or, I might decideto give a Peer Instruction or other collaborative exercise in one part of the class. Thisdoes require that you give up on fixed notes which you must “cover.” It requires you tothink on your feet a bit more. This can be uncomfortable, but it is worth it in imporvedlearning.13. I can envision this strategy as incredibly time consuming,…

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