Planning Ahead - Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Planning Ahead - Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Planning Ahead - Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

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Stakeholders requested a change in the responsibilities of waiver support coordinators so thatthey could increase assistance to individuals. Direct-provider billing allowed Medicaid Waiverproviders to submit invoices for payment directly to Medicaid. That change eliminated that taskfrom the responsibility of waiver support coordinators. With the introduction of standardizedrates, support coordinators no longer needed to be involved in rate negotiations.Another change in support coordination includes the creation of a limited support coordinationoption. Individuals who live with families can now opt for less support from the supportcoordinator. The agency has established a specific policy for limited support coordination. Ifyou feel you are interested in limited support coordination, you should thoroughly review andresearch this alternative and talk with your support coordinator or staff at the agency beforemaking this change.The final component of the system redesign is improved communication:• Regularly send E-Bulletins• Conduct district forums• Improve the DD website• Expand Choice Counseling to all individuals receiving services from the agency(previously only available to persons in ICFs)• Strengthen the role of the Family Care <strong>Council</strong>s, and• Implement web-based trainingThe <strong>Developmental</strong> <strong>Disabilities</strong> Program began regularly sending E-Bulletins to anyone interestedin keeping up with the changes and learning more about services and supports. Theirweb site was updated and expanded. It continues to be a source of up-to-date informationabout the program. The web-site address is www.apd.myflorida.com.The system redesign that began in 2002 was the beginning of changes that are meant to improvethe program for individuals with developmental disabilities. Following the 2003 legislativesession, the Consumer Directed Care Plus Waiver was approved by CMS as a <strong>Florida</strong> waiver.It allows <strong>Florida</strong> to continue the Robert Wood Johnson Consumer Direct Care pilot project andis open to individuals who were part of the experimental project and those who were participatingin the Choice and Control pilot. Further expansion of this waiver has not been determinedyet. During the 2004 session, the <strong>Florida</strong> Legislature expanded the Family SupportedLiving waiver and opened it to children, as well as adults. Five services are available through thiswaiver and it will be offered to people who are on the waiting list for services. In addition, theLegislature created the Agency for Persons with <strong>Disabilities</strong>. The new agency will take responsibilityfor the <strong>Developmental</strong> <strong>Disabilities</strong> Program and the <strong>Developmental</strong> Services Institutions(including the Mentally Retarded Defendant Program ((MRDP)) on October 1, 2004. A Blue RibbonTask Force was formed to address the many aspects of forming the Agency for Persons with<strong>Disabilities</strong>. The final report from this task force is available on the APD website. Users of thisguide are highly encouraged to visit the referenced web site for updates and changes.Section 3, Helpful Attachments91

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