Third Amended Master Long Form Complaint - Dispute Resolution ...

Third Amended Master Long Form Complaint - Dispute Resolution ...

Third Amended Master Long Form Complaint - Dispute Resolution ...


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epresentatives (called detail men), sponsored education and continuing education programs andseminar speakers, the planning, sponsorship, ghost-writing, and arranged publication of nonscientificand misleading medical research, and dissemination of the Reglan labeling withproduct samples distributed by detail men and by publication in the PDR—fraudulently andfalsely overstated the benefits and safety of the drug and concomitantly downplayed the risks inits use, thereby inducing physicians, including Plaintiffs’ physicians, through reasonable butmisplaced reliance on those misrepresentations, to prescribe long-term metoclopramide therapyfor chronic heartburn and bloating, in lieu of other, safer alternatives, and inducing consumerpatients, like Plaintiffs, to purchase and use Reglan and/or generic metoclopramide as prescribed,thus exposing them to an undisclosed substantial risk of involuntary movements, aggravation ofpreexisting injuries, other injuries, and death.173. When Schwarz Pharma purchased the NDA in 2001, they initiated an internalevaluation of the accuracy and completeness of the label. From their own internal investigation,Schwarz Pharma confirmed that the true incidence rate of EPS or TD was as much as 100 timesgreater than what was stated in the label written by Wyeth; nevertheless, Schwarz Pharma nevercorrected this significant understatement of the rate of risk, and never communicated tophysicians that the label was terribly inaccurate.Further, Schwarz Pharma’s internalinvestigation confirmed that a significant population of physicians had no appreciation for theduration of use warnings – and instead were ignorantly keeping patients on the drug for longterm use. Schwarz Pharma took years to correct any warnings about duration of use – and whenthey did attempt to strengthen the warning, Schwarz Pharma never published the label. In otherwords, they never even attempted to warn physicians or patients of the new language regarding- 62 -Case ID: 100101997

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