Vol. 82, No. 2, Summer 2008 - Monmouth College

Vol. 82, No. 2, Summer 2008 - Monmouth College

Vol. 82, No. 2, Summer 2008 - Monmouth College


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Report of the Chair of the Board of Trustees 2007–<strong>2008</strong>We have much for which to thank thesponsors and local student committee ofEpsilon Omicron Chapter at the Universityof Massachusetts. The Eightieth AnnualConvention has been a well-organizedevent in a lovely and welcoming setting. Ihope to see you all next year at the end ofMarch in Memphis, Tennessee, when BetaPsi of Rhodes <strong>College</strong> will host the 2009convention. To show our encouragement ofattendance, the Board has voted to remitregistration in the future for one sponsorfrom each chapter when he or she isaccompanied by one or more students.In its business meeting, the Boardrecommended that Trustees Daniel Levine(Beta Pi, U of Arkansas) and David Sick(Beta Psi, Rhodes <strong>College</strong>) be approvedfor new terms in office. [Editor’s <strong>No</strong>te:The Assembly subsequently approvedProfessors Levine and Sick as Trustees foranother term.]The board recommends that Dr. Sienkiewicz’sterm as Executive Secretary beextended for one year, and suggests thatin future the term of Executive Secretarybe extended by three-year incrementsthrough a change to the by-laws. A threeyearextension would save time at futureconventions.We have important good news concerningour affiliation with the American PhilologicalAssociation (APA). We have beenCategory I members of APA, and as suchhave had the privilege of a display table inthe Book Exhibit at annual meetings. Ournational officers and other Eta Sigma Phimembers have manned the table. <strong>No</strong>w wehave now applied for Category II status.This category would entitle us not onlyto make our Society visible through thedisplay table, but also to organize panelsfor the program. It is our hope to sponsorpanels for the reading of papers by undergraduatestudents, the first such panel to beheld when APA meets in Orange County,California at the invitation of LoyolaMarymount <strong>College</strong> in January, 2009. Weurge Eta Sigma Phi members to watch forthe call for papers and to submit abstracts.Persons who are internationally knownscholars in the APA will be asked to act asrespondents for the panels.We will continue to encourage studentsto submit papers for reading at the SouthernSection of CAMWS. We would likesuch presentations to be made in alternateyears at CAMWS-Southern Section andCAAS.For the presentation of scholarly papersat our own future conventions, as forthe one at Memphis in 2009, we haveapproved the following: Students whosepapers are chosen for presentation willhave their registration remitted. <strong>No</strong> othermonetary reward will be given for paperspresented. Winning papers will be publishedin our newsletter, the Nuntius.Our thanks go out to all nationalofficers and local Eta Sigma Phi studentswho have manned display tables at theAmerican Classical League Institute; theClassical Association of the Midwest andSouth; the Classical Association of theMidwest and South, Southern Section;and the Classical Association of theAtlantic States during this academic year.We feel that our national and internationalprofiles are growing brighter because ofyour efforts and charm.We would like for you to know thatwe are very impressed by the excitingactivities of the local chapters this year,especially the Outreach Projects. We askyou, though, not to include in your annualreports any activities anticipated for timesafter the close of spring semester at yourvarious institutions. The wonderful eventsof summer can be reported on in your nextannual report. And remember that things2009 Eta Sigma Phi National ConventionHOLD THESE DATESfor the 2009 Convention81st Annual Eta Sigma Phi Conventionwill be held at the invitation of Beta PsiChapter at Rhodes <strong>College</strong> in Memphis,Tennessee on March 27-29, 2009. Delegateswill stay at the DoubleTree Memphis,5069 Sanderlin Ave. (1-800-222-TREEor direct 901-767-6666). The rate willbe $107.00 plus tax per room. The localcommittee for the 2009 convention is ledby Allie Marbry (maral@rhodes.edu) , theprytannis for Beta Psi. The adviser to BetaPsi is Dr. David Sick (sick@rhodes.edu).Please feel free to contact either of themwith your questions and suggestions.you plan do not always occur. We’d likeyour annual reports to deal with reality,not wishful thinking.In numbers we are stronger than ever.Serving a growing constituency and sendingour representatives out to professionalmeetings to man our display tables strainsthe national budget, and makes it moredifficult for us to support the Scholarshipsand Contests we feel are important partsof our mission. Please anticipate anothercall to raise membership dues in the future,and meanwhile, consider using some ofthe funds you raise locally for donationsto the scholarships. We Trustees are allexcited to be planning a new summerscholarship which will offer opportunity toSociety members to participate in archaeologicaldigs. Look for more informationto be forthcoming on the progress of thisplanning, and contribute to the implementationof the old and new scholarshipopportunities through your direct support.Start planning your fundraisers, andprepare to join us for Convention 2009 inMemphis! Best wishes from the Trustees toyou all!Martha A. DavisZeta Beta Chapter Sponsor at TempleUniversityChair, Board of Trustees, Eta Sigma PhiSocietyPaul Barret, Jr. Library at Rhodes <strong>College</strong>15

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