eu constitutionalisation - EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

eu constitutionalisation - EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

eu constitutionalisation - EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy


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Chapter 2: The Convention and IGC Texts of the Constitutiong FISCHER, J. (2000), From Confederacy to freedom – Thoughts on the Finality of<strong>European</strong> Integration, speech at the Humboldt University, 12 May 2000, Berlin.g FOLLESDAL, A. (2002), Drafting a <strong>European</strong> Constitution – Challenges andopportunities, Constitutionalism Web Papers,(Manchester: Manchester University).g GREVI, G. (2004) Light and shade of a quasi constitution. An assessment,EPC <strong>Policy</strong> Paper, (Bruxelles: <strong>European</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> Centre), p. 1–12.g HOFFMANN, L. (2002), The Convention on the Future of Europe – Thoughts on theConvention-model, Jean Monnet Working Paper- NYU School of Law, New York.g Intervention of Andrew Duff at the Conference Towards a <strong>European</strong> Constitution,Goodenough College, London, 1–2 July 2004.g Introductory speech of the president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing to the <strong>European</strong>Convention, 26 February 2002 (SN 1565/02).g Laeken Declaration on the Future of the <strong>European</strong> Union (Laeken <strong>European</strong>Council, 14–15 Dec 2001).g MAGNETTE, P.(2004), La Convention Européenne: argumenter et négocier dansune assemblée constituante multinationale, Revue Française de SciencePolitique, volume 54 № 1.g MAGNETTE, P. and NICOLAIDIS, K. (2004) Coping with the Lilliput syndrome.Large vs. Small member states in the <strong>European</strong> Convention, PolitiqueEuropéenne Vol. 13, p. 69-95g MAGNETTE, P ET NICOLAIDIS K. (2004), The <strong>European</strong> Convention: bargainingin the shadow of rhetoric, West <strong>European</strong> Politics, Vol. 27(3), p. 381-404.g MAURER, A. (2003), The <strong>European</strong> Parliament, the National Parliaments and theEU Conventions, in Politique Européenne, Vol. 9 (Hiver), p. 76-98.g MORAVCSIK, A. and Nicolaidis, K (1999), Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam:interests, influence institutions. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 37(1),p. 59-85.g POLLAK, J. (2004) “The Convention Hype: Visions of Representation”, Paperpresented at CIDEL Workshop London, Constitution Making and DemocraticLegitimacy in the <strong>European</strong> Union, 12 – 13 November 2004, London.g Preliminary draft of the Constitutional Treaty (CONV 369/02), 28 October 2002.g Presidency Conclusions, Seville <strong>European</strong> Council, 21 and 22 June 2002.g Propositions conjointes franco-allemandes dans le doamine de la justice et desaffaires intéri<strong>eu</strong>res (CONV 435/02).g Propositions conjointes franco-allemandes pour la Convention <strong>eu</strong>ropéenne dansle domaine de la politique <strong>eu</strong>ropéenne de securité et de défense (CONV 422/02).g «Ré<strong>for</strong>mer les procédures de révision des traités – D<strong>eu</strong>xième rapport sur laréorganisation des Traités de l’Union Européenne», 31 juillet 2000 (EUI : Florence).Chapter 2: The Convention and IGC Texts of the Constitutiong REH, C. and WESSELS, W (2002), Towards an innovative mode of treaty re<strong>for</strong>m?Three sets of expectations <strong>for</strong> the Convention, Collegium, Vol. 24, p. 17-41.g REICH, C. (2004) Le Conseil législatif: “chimère ou réalité?, Revue du Marchécommun et de l’Union <strong>eu</strong>ropéenne, Vol. 479, p. 361-366.g RISSE, T. (2003), Let’s argue: communicative action in world politics,International organization, Vol. 54(1), p. 1-39.g SCHONLAU, J. (2003), Conventional wisdom? Comparing deliberative interactionin the <strong>European</strong> Conventions Mark I and II, Paper presented at the CIDELConference “Deliberative constitutional politics in the EU”, Albarracin, Zaragoza.g Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe (CONV 850/03).g Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe (CIG 87/2/04).g VERHOFSTADT, G. (2000), «A Vision of Europe», Speech by the Belgian primeminister at the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> Centre (21 September, 2000), Brussels.g WEIZSACKER R., DEHAENE. J. L. and SIMON, D. (1999), Report on the futureenlargement of the <strong>European</strong> Union (18 October, 1999).g ZARTMAN, W. and RUBIN, J. Z (2000), Symmetry and asymmetry in negotiation,in Power and Negotiation, W. Zartman and J.Z. Rubin (eds.),(Michigan: The University of Michigan Press), p. 271-291.72 73

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