PANTERA - Sara Reinke

PANTERA - Sara Reinke

PANTERA - Sara Reinke


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SARA REINKEhis arm, as comfortably as if the measure of the blade was apart of his form.“I think it must be,” Atticus said. “I don’t know.Everyone has a different story about it.” He leaned slightlytoward Abdes. “They say he is blessed by the gods. Spears maystrike him, and swords might cut him, but he cannot die.Apollo himself keeps him from it.”Abdes had been stupefied with wonder when, on hisfirst day of duty, Seneca had brought him to the citadel’squartermaster to receive the standard uniform of a cohortinfantry soldier. He had marveled over the leather breastplateoverlaid with armor, polished Gallic helm, sandals that fit hisfeet, balteus ornamental belt, sword and dagger. He had toadmit that while he had always somewhat scoffed at Opilio’spride in wearing his handed-down helmet and mail shirt, hecould appreciate it as he donned the full and impressive armorof the urban cohort. He had never been made to feel like asoldier at the training camp; between the poor quality of hisequipment, and the exhausting, thankless tasks he had beenassigned, Abdes had always felt more like a slave. For the firsttime, he felt a tremulous and tangible pride at the prospect ofbeing seen as part of the army. He felt like a soldier, and notjust a boy dressed up and pretending.“I…I do not have the money to pay for these, sir,” asomewhat ashamed Abdes had told Seneca upon thepresentation of his uniform. “My viaticum has all been spent,sir, and I…”“I do not expect you to pay for them,” Seneca hadreplied, startling Abdes into bewildered silence. “The soldiersof the urban cohort are the most visible in Sepphoris. To mostof these citizens, you will be the only view they’ll ever have ofRome. How you present that view, then, is of utmostimportance to me. I mean to make sure it’s a good one.”Seneca had allowed Abdes to write to his brother,albeit under strict instruction to not make any reference to hisattack. The imperial mail system was by no means secure ornecessarily private and Seneca didn’t want anyone to suspecthis true identity.26

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