PANTERA - Sara Reinke

PANTERA - Sara Reinke

PANTERA - Sara Reinke


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SARA REINKE“These children have no fathers now!” the young mancried angrily, nearly nose to nose with Atticus. “Where is thejustice for them? For their mothers?”Zadduc stopped his advance by catching his shoulder.“Judas, no…” he said quietly, shaking his head once as theyoung man turned to him.“Seneca has promised us justice!” the young man,Judas, cried, his voice hoarse and shrill. “And we would seehim hold to his word—not Herod’s justice, but that of theAlmighty, by the Laws he has given to his chosen peoplethrough our forefathers, Abraham and Moses!”He turned back to the crowd and shouted, “Give overPantera!” The call was picked up by the throng, and they beganto shake their fists in the air, stomping their feet and chantingloudly.“You will have Herod’s justice or none at all,” Abdesheard someone say loudly from behind him. He turned to findthe tribune, Mallus striding across the threshold. Heapproached the crowd fearlessly, his brows furrowed, his gazestern. “Those who have committed these offenses will be madeto answer for them by King Herod’s law and decree,” Mallussaid. “And only at such time as we are able to finish ourinvestigations and tell you plainly—without hesitation ordoubt—that here are your culprits. Here are the guilty parties.”He turned his gaze toward Zadduc and Judas, drapinghis hand against the pommel of his sword. “Tell your people togo home, Zadduc,” he said. “Send them away—see thesegrounds cleared, or you will all learn for yourselves themeasure of Herod’s justice.”“We will keep here until Praefectus Seneca sees us,”Zadduc said. “We will keep here until Seneca himself hears ourdemands for swift―”“No, you will not,” Mallus told him, and his fingersslowly, deliberately wrapped about his hilt. It was a gesture thatdid not escape Zadduc’s or Judas’ notice; they both shied, theanger in their faces waning to uncertainty. “Leave,” Mallussaid. “Or I will see you removed.”30

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