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filming for a future ITV1 programme with a working title of No Place Like Home. This series will be focussing on severalfamilies who left the UK to make a new life abroad and are considering making a return. (It was stressed that the series will beemphasising the positive nature of such a move!) The reason for the school’s involvement is that the family of a former pupilat King’s Infants, Matthew Jones, has taken part in the series. Matthew and his family left the Macclesfield area in 2002 (whenMatthew was in Year 1) and he has kept in touch with several of his old classmates whilst he has been living abroad. Theintention was to film Matthew back in his former school’s environment. It will be very interesting to see the finishedprogramme – I have no details as yet as to when it will be shown.I am grateful to Mrs Squares for the following report of a recent visit by Y4 to St Paul’s Church:On Wednesday 25 th April Year 4 visited St Paul’s Church as part of their RE topic on Christianity. Although they have beeninside the church on previous occasions, this was the first time they had really looked at some of the features in detail andbeen able to ask questions. We learnt about Reverend Tear’s job, the clothes he wears, christenings, baptisms and funerals;as well as why certain objects in the church have their names and what they are traditionally used for. Year 4 were then ableto sketch items of interest within the church for their project.I should now like to list events of general interest that are going to take place during the remainder of the half-term - eventsnot listed on or amended from the termly calendar are shown in italics:• 08.05.07 Y2 visit to Dunham Massey & Y3 visit to Styal (River study)• 10.05.07 Junior Division Open Afternoon 13.15-14.30 (for prospective families)• 15.05.07 Photographs of sports team & music groups• 16.05.07 Y6 Competition Choir @ Alderley Edge Music Festival• 17.05.07 Y6 trip to Eden Camp (York)• 18.05.07 - 20.05.07 Y4 holiday at The Manor, Shropshire• 21.05.07-25.05.07 - Wildlife Week & Walk to School Week• 25.05.07 Junior School Swimming Gala - please note that we are currently having difficulty in confirming arrangementswith Macclesfield Leisure Centre regarding the availablility of the pool for the gala - this date is currently provisional only.I am delighted to learn that the changes to the Infant School timetable made last term have proved to be very beneficial. Inparticular this has meant the introduction of a number of new clubs for the children to enjoy during the lunch break. MrsWarburton and her staff have been very keen to put on a variety of activities to interest the children involving areas such asdrama, draughts, choir, construction, rhymes and using a Roamer (a programmable computer device). This term has also seenthe advent of a number of new Junior school activities such as trampolining, gymnastics, boules and a Spanish Club based onthe successful Infant School club.May I remind you that this bulletin and the First Class magazine can now be found on the school’s website(www.kingsmac.co.uk). You may also check the details of the termly calendar there too.Finally I have some staff news to report. Unfortunately, Mrs Bamberger did not enjoy her Easter holiday as she suffered abroken shoulder and she has been incapacitated since her accident. I understand that she is recovering well and we can lookforward to her returning to her duties with 1CW/LJ soon. I can also confirm that Mrs Turner will be retiring at the end ofthis school year from Year 3. She is one of the longest serving members of the Junior School staff having moved to King’sfrom St Hilary’s School, Alderley Edge in 1997. Her calm manner and attention to detail has welcomed scores of Year 3children to the Junior School over the past 10 years and countless parents have been soothed by her down-to-earth andknowledgeable advice. Her influence on the successful development of the Lower Juniors has been highly significant and shehas developed the understanding and record-keeping required in the area of Learning Enhancement. She will leave to spendmore time with her family, but we hope that we still keep in touch via some supply teaching! She will be replaced inSeptember by Miss Elena de Maine, who is currently teaching at Stonyhurst College, Lancashire.With best wishes, as ever,Geoff ShawPrincipal, Junior Division4

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