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41. Institute of Jute Technology, Kolkata has appealed to the Committee to include a Sub-Clauseunder Clause 5 (2) of Chapter-III of the Bill, “To undertake measures for sustainable Human ResourceDevelopment of the jute sector and provide the necessary funds for the same”. The Ministry ofTextiles welcomed this suggestion and has stated that the Jute Board is likely to make endeavors forthe sustainable development in jute sector.42. Indian Jute Mills Association (IJMA), Kolkata has suggested that the whole Chapter onmodernization and technology development is missing from the Jute Board. The Ministry of Textileshas welcomed this suggestion and is of the view that a clause on modernization may be inserted underClause 5 Chapter-III of the Bill.43. Indian Jute Mills Association has suggested that Clause 5 (2) (xv) may be expanded to includea concerted programme for modernization and technological upgradation of the manufacturing sector,bench marking through technology Audit to assess the technological status of the jute industry,formulation of five-year plan for machinery development for the organized sector and establishment ofa separate R&D set up in the area of public-private partnership. This will be in accordance with theguidelines in the National Jute Policy 2005.. The Ministry of Textiles in its comments on the abovesuggestion has stated that the Board, after formation will frame its own policies on the subject ofmodernization technology, upgradation etc. As these are a matter of policy details, they cannot be thepart of the Bill.44. Indian Jute Mills Association has also suggested that a provision should be incorporated in theBill for the incorporation of an Export Promotion Council. In this regard, the Ministry of Textiles hasstated that creation of an Export Promotion Council will be a policy decision of the Jute Board,depending upon the requirement, resources, availability etc. Therefore, it may not form a part of theBill.45. Representatives of Government of Andhra Pradesh has suggested that it should be specified inthe Bill that which organization will determine Minimum Support Price for jute and who willimplement Minimum Support Price. In this regard, the Ministry of Textiles stated as follows:-“No Ministry of Textiles does not agree. The remunerative prices of agricultural commoditiesis declared by the Ministry of Agriculture based on the recommendation of the Commission ofAgricultural Commodities and Pricing (CACP). M.S.P. operations are concluded by JuteCorporation of India. National Jute Board does not have jurisdiction to fix M.S.P.”.46. In regard to the welfare of the jute workers the suggestions received from various organizationsand the comments of the Ministry of Textiles there to are as follows:-Sl.No. Name ofStakeholders1 Paschim BangalPradeshikKrishak Sabha,KolkataClause Thrust of the suggestion Comments of the Ministryof TextilesChapter-III5 (xviii)Jute board should securebetter working conditionand initiate provision forprocess of implementationof social security measures-To make efforts for the17In order to provide flexibilityto the Board, it should be leftto its wisdom to take it up.

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