Home to School Transport Policy 2010/11

Home to School Transport Policy 2010/11

Home to School Transport Policy 2010/11


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13 -expenses are also paid for these pupils <strong>to</strong> attend Hut<strong>to</strong>n Grammar<strong>School</strong> if admitted on denominational grounds.7. PROVISION OF TRANSPORT TO MEDICAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONALAPPOINTMENTSThe County Council does not help those parents whose children are entitled <strong>to</strong>home <strong>to</strong> school transport assistance with any additional journeys during theschool day in connection with medical or other professional appointments.8. COUNTY COUNCIL POLICY IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE TRAVELLINGEXPENSES ARE AWARDED IN ERRORWhere a pupil is attending their nearest school and it is found that travellingexpenses have been awarded in error, the County Council will rectify thematter. Parents will be advised of the error and be given notice of thewithdrawal of assistance. The notice will be for the balance (if any) of the termin which the error is discovered plus one complete term.9. APPEALSParents can appeal against a decision not <strong>to</strong> provide transport or against thedetailed arrangements made, if the parents believe that they have exceptionalmitigating circumstances. The Student Support Appeals Panel will considerany written representations made by parents in support of their appeal but doesnot permit oral representations. Its decision is final and binding unless there issome significant change in circumstances which would merit the case beingreconsidered.Appeal forms are available from Local Area Education Offices.Should an appeal be upheld the Council will only consider retrospectivere-imbursement of travelling expenses back <strong>to</strong> the date the appeal formwas received by the County Council.

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