HERE - Polynesian Catamaran Association

HERE - Polynesian Catamaran Association

HERE - Polynesian Catamaran Association


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T IPS H IN TS & G A D G E TSA nchor R olleran aid to kedgingSteve Turner adda detailto an îeaseen in an Am erîcan magazine.The diagram below shows the overa lconcept of the stern hung anchorroler.An idealway ofenabling yourkedge anchorto be deployed and setwithouttaking gouges outofyourtenderduetothe chain paying out.The cheeks and bracing ofthe rolerassem bly are m ade out of ply. Thethicker,the better.The roleritselfcanbe made out of anything to handRubber,plastic orwood are aIacceptable.EnsurethatalIscrewsand boltsare stainless steel.The slotto seatthe assem bly is tai-Ioredto yoursterndim ensions(A R a/thought.,anotherroler assemblycan also be used on the bow,with sultable moditication to the slotarrangem ent,to ensure the bow areaisalsounscathed Adrian)'t'M. AN wNkN.y k' W

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