road map for fisheries development - Department of Agriculture ...

road map for fisheries development - Department of Agriculture ...

road map for fisheries development - Department of Agriculture ...


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every seed raising unit (0.2 ha) would produce 1.20 lakh fingerlings these fingerlinds be bought back by farmers under a special scheme seed growers would return their loan either support in running thisscheme or they may directly run this scheme FFDAs will help the seed growers in selling their fingerlings all the seed growers would be pre-identified by the <strong>Department</strong>.Year-wise physical targets and financial estimates as follows:(Rs. in lakh)Sl. Action Year-wise Physical and Financialestimates2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-121. Fingerling prod.10 20 35 40(Target in crores)2 Required rearing space (ha) 166 332 583.3 6643 Cost on rearing (as loan)100 200 350 400(@ 10 paise per fingerling)4 Brood Banks 265 100Total (Rs. in lakh) 265 300 350 40017.2.3 Intensive/semi intensive fish culture in ponds:As per the present estimates 69000 ha water area is available as ponds andtanks. The main chunk <strong>of</strong> fish production in the state is from these water bodies only.Though these water bodies have grown old and there is depostion in silt in their bedsin most <strong>of</strong> the tanks. Renovation <strong>of</strong> Govt. ponds is being done in National RuralEmployment Guaranttee Scheme and people in private sector are interested increating new water bodies as well as renovating the old ones. The present achievedmean fish productivity in developed ponds in the state is about 2.2 tonnes/ha/yr.Addressing 50,000 ha <strong>of</strong> ponds area <strong>for</strong> <strong>development</strong> in a mission mode, it is proposedto enhance the productivity to 3 tonnes/ha/yr in 30,000 ha and 5 tonnes/ha/yr in20,000 ha area. Carps being the mainstay <strong>of</strong> pond culture, Indian major carps are108

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