Rohinaa.com » Upapada - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz

Rohinaa.com » Upapada - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz

Rohinaa.com » Upapada - www.rohinaa.com by Rafal Gendarz


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<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/7 af 14 22-10-2009 23:3225.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 10:29 amkleem namah narasimhaayaDear SatyaIt gives lot of passions and can give third party issue as Mars will be also 2L fromAL. I dont see the whole chart but Ketu aspecting from the fifth is good here as itwill cut unnecessary temptations. Bahustree yoga. Its good for love marriagies butsometimes disturbs the marriage, here it can also give some scandals to you andpartner.Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>26.Satya Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 11:55 amPranaam <strong>Rafal</strong> ji,Thanks so much for explanation.One query - Ketu is in 9H along with UL, you mentioned aspecting from 5H. I did notget it.And how to judge if the relationship can end in marriage? As it is long-terminvolvement, I am taking UL for analysing it, am I right? If I look at 2H from UL, it is inTaurus with Jupiter (R). Lord Venus is in own sign Libra but with Rahu and Mars.Jupiter and Venus suggest marriage, but I am doubtful as J is R and Venus is withmalefics.I read some where in these posts that AL/UL in 1/7 axis native themselves can rejectthe marriage. Is the true?Here are birth details:DOB: 2 Oct, 76, TOB: 03.02 AM Place: 81E32, 16N32Thanks again so much. I am learning a lot from your detailed discussions on this site.Regards,Satya27.Nishant Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 1:16 pm<strong>Rafal</strong>ji,namaskar,here venus is upapada lord also so will it create problems in marriage life also? i haveread that privartan yoga between saturn and venus makes person attracted towardssame sex. Is it the reason for the problem you mentioned? Nabhash yoga is in this chartdue to all planets in 5 signs. so the person will suffer due to too much spiritualinclination or bad character?regards,Nishant28.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 5:16 pmkleem namah narasimhaayaDear Satya, NishantSatya

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/8 af 14 22-10-2009 23:321. Yes, Ketu aspecting 2H from AL will cut the lusty temptations.2. If both <strong>Upapada</strong> lord and 2L from UL are wellplaced in D9 and UL is wellplacedfrom Lagnesh, AK and Venus then normally this turns up to marriage. Here Ma isinvolved in curse of Shukra so its hard to say it will be marriage from that <strong>Upapada</strong>unless some remedies will be done.3. 7 from Arudha can be very good or very bad, depending if its malefic/afflictedor otherwise. Usually its very personal match where one depends on the other inlot of areas of life.Here Ju being in 2H from <strong>Upapada</strong> shows children are very important to sustainthe marriage as Guru is also PK and 5L. Still its very passionate relationship andissue of third party is of chance here. I would re<strong>com</strong>mend fasting on everyTuesday.NishantClassical sloka is that its parivartana in Navamsa makes one lesbian. Usually whenVe/Sa/Me are touching seventh bhava in D9 these things happen.Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>29.Satya Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 5:56 pmPranaam <strong>Rafal</strong> ji,Thanks again, its much clear to me now.You are right about being a very personal match. I am not sure if this can be thereason but we share same lagna (Leo same degree) and most of the planet placementsalong with same UL placements also which makes it in trine (UL2 for him as its 2ndrelationship).As for 3rd party, I am actually the third party as he is contemplating divorce formarrying me. I doubt it will happen looking at my chart - UL lord Mars is debilated inLibra in both D1 and D9 (7H), 2L from UL is Venus which is in bad shape though in ownhouse Libra in D1 and in 11H Aquarius in D9. Which I think suggests my firstrelationship will not end in marriage.Even if I consider my UL2 for next relationship, it is Scorpio and again the placementof L2 Lord Mars is not too good in Libra. 2L from UL2 is Jupiter and it is Retrograde inD1 and in 12H in D9. Which again looks like a loss relationship.My D1 7L Saturn is in 12H Cancer in parivartan with Capricorn Moon in 6H - that againpoints to unhappiness or loss in relationships, right? Overall, relationships look sopathetic in my chart.Mars being UL lord fasting in Tuesday will help me or I need to do any other remedies?I am very new to vedic astrology, if I am doing any mistakes in interpreting pleaseforgive me. I am grateful for your explanations.Regards,Satya30.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 6:40 pmkleem namah narasimhaayaDear Satya, NishantSatyaUsually when Guru aspects bahustree yoga then its high chance to turn this into

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/9 af 14 22-10-2009 23:32marriage. But the affliction is still there which obstructs smooth partnership.Eventually this can lead to some kind of scandal due to Rahu placement on UL/ALLord.Mars is debilitated in Cancer, not Libra.Are you sure about Navamsa Lagna? 7L is not in partivartana, only sixth lord. Itsnot bad yoga, can give relationship to foreigner or adds to secret relation.Worst is Shukraa-saapa as you were born also on Navami and Friday. This should becorrected first <strong>by</strong> Jyorlinga sadhana of Shiva. Then purify <strong>Upapada</strong> <strong>by</strong> fasting.Gold ring also is good option.Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>31.Satya Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 7:03 pm<strong>Rafal</strong> ji,Thanks so much for reply. My navamsa Lagna is Aries according to some and Taurusaccording to others. I am not sure which one is right for me.I wanted to ask about scandal, I read Rahu involvement might lead to and of course mycircumstances are also like that.Do we not call it Parivartan if 6L+7L Saturn is in 12H and 12L Moon in 6H?I was thinking being born on Durga-Navami and Friday during Navaratri as a boon. Is it abad thing for me? Where can I find more about Jyotirlinga sadhana?I am grateful to you for being so kind.Regards,Satya32.suman Says:February 22nd, 2009 at 10:59 pmdear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,if bahustree yoga gets aspected <strong>by</strong> jupiter do those relationships turn into marriage orgets cancelled altogether? and if upapada is 6th,8th or 12th will the person reject thatupapada?Thank you in advance,suman33.suman Says:February 23rd, 2009 at 3:52 amin continiuation with the previous post—i meant to ask if upapada is in 6th, 8th or 12thto atmakaraka will the person reject that upapada?thanks,suman34.Satya Says:February 24th, 2009 at 3:30 am<strong>Rafal</strong> ji,I understand the 2nd relation is to be seen from 2H – 8H from 7H and UL2 – 8H from ULbut what if UL is in 2H? Which relationship or partner is it referring to?When there is a parivartan involving the lord of either 7H or UL, how do we interpret

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/10 af 14 22-10-2009 23:32it? (Saturn in Aries in 9H and Mars in Capricorn in 6H)I was looking at the chart to see if the second relation will lead to marriage. I am aconfused here as both look to me similarly disposed and the significators are more orless same houses. As this is more for my learning, any help from you will be reallygreat.For Leo Lagna1st relation:7H – Aquarius with Rahu, 7L Saturn fall and retro in Aries (9H)UL – Virgo (2H) with Jupiter in fall (5L)UL lord – Merc in Libra along with Ve+Su2H from UL – Libra with lord Venus (in own sign) along with Me+Su, aspected <strong>by</strong> Safrom 9HAL – 5H, AL/UL is in kona 4/10 axisD9 7H – Scorpio with Ketu (7L in own house?)2nd relation:2H - Virgo (2H) with Jupiter fallUL2 – Aries (9H) with Saturn fall and retro, aspected <strong>by</strong> Mars from 6HUL2 lord – Mars exalted in Cap (6H)2H from UL2 – Taurus, lord Venus in own sign along with Me+Su, aspected <strong>by</strong> Ju from2HAL – 5H, AL/UL in trines 5/9 axisD9 2H – Gemini with 7L in 10H, AquariusThanks so much in advance- Satya35.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 25th, 2009 at 12:58 amkleem namah narasimhaayaDear MembersSatya1. Only two houses can be involved in parivartan, never more.2. If all panchanga paramaters are ruled <strong>by</strong> one planet then its important to bethat planet strong right? There is good rule to follow: if vara and nakshatra areruled <strong>by</strong> same tattva its good, opposite for vara+tithi.SumanJupiter never cancel the Bahustree, it makes it expanded. Only Ketu (Ganesha)has that power.If <strong>Upapada</strong> is in dusthana from AL then the formation of relation may be notsmooth, second step which always is forgotten <strong>by</strong> most of Jyotishas is to <strong>com</strong>parethe lords of both arudhas. Maintanence of relationship is always seen <strong>by</strong> 2ndhouse from particular <strong>Upapada</strong>.<strong>Upapada</strong> must be in MKS or bad Pachakadi Sambandha from AK to cause problems.Also <strong>Upapada</strong> in 4,6 from Shukra doesnt work. Refer to my post about MaranaKaraka sthana, its quite important from the perspective of Atma.SatyaCount always 8H from 7H (d9) and from <strong>Upapada</strong> for next relationship. If 12L is inLagna then <strong>Upapada</strong> falls in 2H - its still the first <strong>Upapada</strong>, then 9H will be theplace of 2nd <strong>Upapada</strong> - if there is yoga for the breakage of the first one.Parivartana shows change, transformation, sudden reversals, unexpected event.If its connected to UL then see how the energy change, the energy can define themorals, direction, outlook or even the appearance.

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/11 af 14 22-10-2009 23:32Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>36.suman Says:February 25th, 2009 at 2:24 amDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,Thank you for the reply.if the bahustree yoga happens to be in UL then it can causemarriage right? and if one of these planets(bahustree yoga–in UL)is in parivartana withlagnesh does the native switch partners during the period of that planets involved anddoes it happen only for that UL or everytime the native goes through that period.regards,suman37.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 25th, 2009 at 3:04 pmkleem namah narasimhaayaDear SumamBahustree yoga on UL gives sexappeal, in 2H from UL can give immoral partner. Iflagnesh is in Upapapda then if its benefic then one is under domination ofpartner, opposite for malefic. Lagnesh involvment shows direct influence onemotions and choices of native. So if native is cheated then its very internalexperience which can change the direction of life.Bahustree yoga is Ve+Ma in 2H from Navamsa Lagna or Arudha Lagna. If this yoga isin <strong>Upapada</strong> then as I said it can add to sexappeal and libido of partner but there ismore to analyze there.In one book I have read that if these are in own sign then this can be reduced toone partner, if enemy then outside, and debilitated shows very low ideal.Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>38.Satya Says:February 25th, 2009 at 10:27 pm<strong>Rafal</strong> ji,Thanks so much for the replies.You said if there is yoga for the first one to break, UL2 is considered as 8H from UL. Soif the person is not yet divorced, I should not look at UL2 to judge the state of ourrelationship?If UL is 12H from Venus and 2H from AK, does that mean it leads to problems? I amintrigued <strong>by</strong> the number of factors to be considered for a smooth relationship. EitherUL or 2H from UL is bound to fall in dusthaana from AL in most of the cases. Does thatmean all relationships either start or end in problems? Looks mighty <strong>com</strong>plicated.This is off topic but after posting here, I read an article on parivartan <strong>by</strong> Visti ji, yetto digest and apply to my chart. I have parivartan involving AK and Lagnesh - Leolagna, Sun in 2H and Merc (AK) in 1H. Does that mean a change of personalvalues/ideals and priorities in life?Regards,Satya

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/12 af 14 22-10-2009 23:3239.Satya Says:February 25th, 2009 at 11:38 pm<strong>Rafal</strong> ji,I consider my good luck to stumble upon this website. I at least discovered I had aVenus curse which is cause of all the suffering in relationships. I am most thankful toyou for pointing it out. I have almost <strong>com</strong>mitted similar sins even in this life and invitesome more curses.Can you please elaborate on the remedy you have suggested - is there a mantra forJyotirlinga Siva saadhana? From the sound of it, I do understand its worshipping LordShiva in Jyotirlinga form but is there a specific way to do it?Most thankful.Regards,Satya40.Satya Says:February 26th, 2009 at 12:34 am<strong>Rafal</strong> ji,I am sorry for the multiple posts but I keep reading your articles and I get new doubtsfrom the new information. I just noticed in another page you said Jyotirlinga mantra isfor curses involving AK. For me, it is Venus in AL which is under the curse so whyJyotirlinga mantra?Thanks so much. Excellent learning here from this site.Regards,Satya41.suman Says:February 27th, 2009 at 10:13 pmDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,Thank you for the clear explanation.You have said that if UL is in a dustana from ALthe formation of relation may not be smooth,what about AL in UL? i mean to say bothAL and UL in the same sign? and you also said that we need to check relationshipbetween both the lords(AL and UL).if the lords are in 6-8 relationship will there bepoor understanding between the two and again what if the AL and UL are the samesign-hence same lord?Thank you,suman42.<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong> Says:February 28th, 2009 at 12:11 pmkleem namah narasimhaayaDear SumamAL & UL in same sign shows good <strong>com</strong>patibility, sharing ideals, similar charactersbut can cause ego issues if afflicted Surya aspects 2H from UL. Lords shows howthe relationship manifest in the future.Regards,<strong>Rafal</strong> <strong>Gendarz</strong>43.suman Says:March 2nd, 2009 at 5:36 am

<strong>Rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong> » <strong>Upapada</strong>http://<strong>rohinaa</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/index.php/2007/09/02/upapada/13 af 14 22-10-2009 23:32Dear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,Thank you for your reply.sorry if i am probing this a little further.If the AL and ULlords are inimical(like sun and saturn) or if they are in 6-8 relationship does it meanthe relationship be<strong>com</strong>es inimical later on?I have another basic question– the timing of the relationship for each UL is from the7th house,2nd house,etc in navamsa as i read in your article,but sometimes arelationship takes years to manifest into marriage—so the relationship may start in onebukthi and marriage in the next–how do we differentiate the timing of the two?Regards,Suman44.Sam Says:March 6th, 2009 at 12:07 pmDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,This is regarding UL. Is my current relationship of 2yrs Makara-Sukra-UL1?? I am fastingon Saturday, Thursday and pray to different hindu dieties not of my religion.I had 2 -3 previous relationshsips of which one was very tragic and I was hospitalised. Iask so as they relationships lasted for almost a year.Please <strong>com</strong>ment if that seems to be the correct UL and are my remedies correct45.rakesh Says:March 17th, 2009 at 7:03 amDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,I read your sambhanda article but could not decipher which UL i am currentlyin,Please helpdob-9th march 1970place-delhi,time-8.45pm46.Karthik Says:March 21st, 2009 at 8:18 pmDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,My D.O.B is 20-september 1982. 15:52, mumbaii have venus in upapada lagna.can venus situated here give a beautiful wife.Regards,karthik47.raj Says:April 18th, 2009 at 2:24 amDear <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,What(planet/planet <strong>com</strong>bination)would give a curly haired spouse?regards,raj48.Venkat Says:May 7th, 2009 at 7:13 amRespected <strong>Rafal</strong>ji,My UL falls in the second house with the second lord Mars in it.Kindly advice on which day I should Fast.DOB: 12-04-1968TOB: 05.39 AMPOB: 80 E 51 16 N 01

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