AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...

AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...

AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...


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DEFINITION AND INTERPRETATION OF TERMSD7. AIRWORTHY:D7.1 The status of an aircraft, engine, propeller or part when it conforms to its approveddesign and is in a condition for safe operation.D8. ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS:D8.1 Those conditions which are known from experience or which can be reasonablyenvisaged to occur during the operational life of the aircraft taking into account theoperations for which the aircraft is made eligible, the conditions so considered beingrelative to the meteorological state of the atmosphere, to the configuration of terrain, tothe functioning of the aircraft, to the efficiency of personnel and to all the factors affectingsafety in flight. Anticipated operating conditions do not include:D8.1.1 those extremes which can be effectively avoided by means of operatingprocedures; andD8.1.2 those extremes which occur so infrequently that to require the Standards to bemet in such extremes would give a higher level of airworthiness than experiencehas shown to be necessary and practical.D9. APPROPRIATE AIRWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTS:D9.1 The comprehensive and detailed airworthiness codes established, adopted or acceptedby PCAA for the class of aircraft, engine or propeller under consideration.D10. APPROVED:D10.1 Accepted by PCAA as suitable for a particular purpose.D11. ASSEMBLY:D11.1 That items are put together fitted, assembled, attached, installed, connected, secured oradjusted correctly in the approved manner.D12. CATEGORY A:D1<strong>2.1</strong> With respect to helicopters, means a multi-engine helicopter designed with engine andsystem isolation features specified in Part IVB of Annex-8 and capable of operations usingtake-off and landing data scheduled under a critical engine failure concept which assuresadequate designated surface area and adequate performance capability for continuedsafe flight or safe rejected take-off.D13. CATEGORY B:D13.1 With respect to helicopters, means a single-engine or multi-engine helicopter which doesnot meet Category A standards. Category B helicopters have no guaranteed capability tocontinue safe flight in the event of an engine failure, and a forced landing is assumed.D14. CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE REVIEW:D14.1 This certificate is issued as per approved maintenance schedule certifying that:D14.2 All maintenance specified in the approved maintenance schedule has been carried outwithin the prescribed time period.17/03/<strong>2011</strong> Page 2 of 10 <strong>AWNOT</strong>-<strong>017</strong>-<strong>AWRG</strong>-<strong>2.1</strong>

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