AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...

AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...

AWNOT-017-AWRG-2.1 dated 17th March 2011 - Civil Aviation ...


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DEFINITION AND INTERPRETATION OF TERMSD41. MODIFICATION:D41.1 A modification to an aeronautical product means a change to the type design which isnot a repair:D41.2 Major: A major modification means a type design change not listed in the aircraft, aircraftengine or propeller specifications:D41.<strong>2.1</strong> That might appreciably affect the mass and balance limits, structural strength,performance, power plant operation, flight characteristics or other qualitiesaffecting Airworthiness or environmental characteristics; orD41.2.2 That will be embodied in the product according to non-standard practices.D41.3 Minor: A minor modification means a modification other than a major modification.D42. ORNITHOPER:D4<strong>2.1</strong> A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on planesto which a flapping motion is imparted.D43. OVERHAUL:D43.1 An overhaul is a major work of operation, which involves dismantling, bench testing andrenewal of operating life. Servicing of items such as piston engine spark plugs is notconsidered to constitute overhaul, neither is "top overhaul" of a piston engine. Thecomplete work concerned with renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness does notnecessarily constitute overhaul and each work operation must be considered individually.Whenever doubt exists reference should be made to the Airworthiness Directorate.D44. PERFORMANCE CLASS 1 HELICOPTER:D44.1 A helicopter with performance such that, in case of engine failure, it is able to land on therejected take-off area or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area.D45. PERFORMANCE CLASS 2 HELICOPTER:D45.1 A helicopter with performance such that, in case of engine failure, it is able to safelycontinue the flight, except when the failure occurs prior to a defined point after take-off orafter a defined point before landing, in which cases a forced landing may be required.D46. PERFORMANCE CLASS 3 HELICOPTER:D46.1 A helicopter with performance such that, in case of engine failure at any point in the flightprofile, a forced landing must be performed.D47. POWERPLANT:D47.1 The system consisting of all the engines, drive system components (if applicable), andpropellers (if installed), their accessories, ancillary parts, and fuel and oil systemsinstalled on an aircraft but excluding the rotors for a helicopter.17/03/<strong>2011</strong> Page 6 of 10 <strong>AWNOT</strong>-<strong>017</strong>-<strong>AWRG</strong>-<strong>2.1</strong>

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