InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign

InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign

InsIDe: - Palestine Solidarity Campaign


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spring2011 reportspalestine news 13would be for Palestinian refugees to return to their ancestral land,according to Dr Abu Sitta. “We know where the people of eachvillage are now and it is not true that there would not be room forthem in present day Israel. Eighty four per cent of Jews live on 17%of Israel; the rest is almost empty.This is a cry for justice“The most important inhabitant of those areas is the Israeli army;they control 85% of the land. Israel is in effect a huge militarybase where soldiers are custodians of the land that belongs toPalestinians.”Dr Abu Sitta’s aim in creating this fantastic historical record hasbeen to “defy Ben Gurion’s dream of erasing <strong>Palestine</strong>’s memoryand depriving the young from knowing their heritage and theirhome.” He added: “This is a battle that is more lasting than politicaland military fights.“Ben Gurion wanted to prove that we didn’t exist. That we were aspeck of dust in the train of history. We want to prove how criminalthat is and how untrue. This is a cry for justice.”Bishop of Jerusalem threatened with expulsionThe Right Reverend SuhailDawani, the AnglicanBishop of Jerusalem,has had his Jerusalemresidence permit revoked by theIsraeli Ministry of Interior, whohave accused him of “actingwith the Palestinian Authority intransferring lands owned by theJewish people to the Palestiniansand also [helping] to registerlands of the Jewish people in thename of the church.”Bishop Dawani hasvehemently denied the accusations. As yet the Israeli authoritieshave not produced any evidence against him. Since last Augusthe tried to resolve the situation without publicity but then he wasoffered a temporary work permit — which he refused.Interviewed on Radio 4’s “Sunday” programme on 6 March,he said: “They offered a three month foreigner visa. It’s veryinsulting to treat me as if I am a foreigner. I am an indigenousChristian. But I now have no legal status here — at any time theycan come and ask me to leave.”Previously, all Anglican bishops of the Episcopal Dioceseof Jerusalem who have not held Israeli citizenship have beengranted residency permits to allow them to live in Jerusalemwhere the bishop’s residence, diocesan offices and cathedral arelocated.Israel’s chief rabbi, Shlomo Amar, and Archbishop ofCanterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, together with other members ofthe Anglican church, have complained to Binyamin Netanyahu,the Israeli prime minister.Asked by Edward Stourton about the implications for theChristian community in the region, Bishop Dawani said: “It’s avery bad indication that Christians are not welcome here.” He isnow taking legal action against the Israeli government.

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